Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28809

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Viewing 6 posts - 7 through 12 (of 56 total)
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    • #386214

      HI, I think itś very moving to know or even feel that in terms of spirituality we are all connected, all part of the same creature; and itś kind of a challenge to get back to daily life while knowing this. 🙂

    • #383213

      As I was reading about the intention while reading, being the only way to understand kabbalistic books, I began to wonder if my intentions were correct because I found the texts harder to understand this week…. Maybe I am trying to understand them by the power of my intellect rather than through yearning? How do I know if I am truly yearning or if I am proceeding because of curiosity about the subject?

    • #383054
      David the Bruce

      I hope my point in the heart is connecting with everyone else’s…and all of our points are growing and expanding!!!

    • #381822
      Nika Student

      The fourth week’s content strengthened my conviction that the Creator is working with us, as individuals and the society, to develop to the best possible state, so we, the people living on earth right now, have all the knowledge and stamina to complete the “marathon of development” with flying colours.  All the disappointing or hurtful things occurring in my field of vision are signals requiring a response in faith above reason. By asking internally – why does the Creator show me this feeling? this scene? – I might develop new sensitivity and a feeling how to act within this world of actions of ours, in a way that agrees best with the Creator’s plan.

    • #373128

      The lessons have been rising some questions about my ability to receive. I have been reading the books… and dedicating time to dive deeper.

    • #369493

      I was watching the video with RavLaitman about the four states in the Related section of Week 4, and the question was raised, “why four states and not two?” This is because we are looking at a binary system. If the will to bestow = 1 and the will to receive = 0, then mathematically you will have four separate combinations or permutations: 1 1, 1 0, 0 1, and 0 0.

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