Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28809

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

Viewing 6 posts - 43 through 48 (of 56 total)
  • Author
    • #291700
      Maria Memoli

      I appreciate the quality of Binah: the “observer” of the qualities of the Creator…its capability to realize that it’s receiving too much at the point to reject the Light…

      Is this realization, maybe, the first moment in which we start detaching from our ego?!


    • #289108

      I think what blew my mind and offered more clarity than ever before is, how you can take the act of receiving and analyse it in a completely different way to understand that you can also be bestowing through the act of receiving. This has given me a completely new perspective and something to really consider moving forward – thank you!

    • #289071
      David J

      It seems that each question in my mind for days gets answered time after time as the teaching, groups, and materials are presented. It’s so great. Thanks to all

    • #287265

      What blew me away from this week’s lesson was actually in a video in the ‘Related’ section – a video Gil did on the ten sefirot. I’ve watched several of his videos on the subject so far, but this was by far the most detailed one I’ve seen on the sefirot.

      I came to KabU in my search to understand the archetypical mind, which I was provided three different avenues of study to learn from, and for the first time I can see some very specific parallels between Kabbalah and one of the other two avenues which, while helpful, was unfortunately incomplete in the form in which I discovered it.

      There is a structure to the consciousness that makes up all reality, and I’m determined to understand it… if for no other reason than the fact that I believe I may, more and more every day.

    • #287074

      How all is inter connected and how it all reflects into each other. Spiritual realm also reflects into the physical and back.

    • #281615
      Richard Lively

      Aleph separates Mem from Shin, but its nature was to unify all during creation.  This to me is our inability to sense the screen is not broken and Shin and Mem are unified but the role of Aleph is to show separation.  The creator conceals this in Aleph but since Aleph is in unity with the creator it does not change, the key is the true nature of Shin (light).  The phases of light bestowal in relation to reception blew my mind, since we are taught Aleph separates Mem from Shin

Viewing 6 posts - 43 through 48 (of 56 total)
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