Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28815

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #321288
      Sylvie Bélanger

      That we are all connected to the same conscienness  and the taughs and the emotions that  I bring will have an impact to the rest of the collective conscienness.


    • #317677

      I was able to relate better to the story of the artisans that had wisdom and knowledge to complete the articles needed for the Holy Tent of Meeting.  I often wondered what made them special but after this series I think that their connection or need to bestow was greater than ego.  How many times have a received instructions but my own ego moves me to complete the task in my own way.

      I think that the instructions are very much like the 613 laws, created in love for those that will value and follow the pattern…  Thank you all for the excellent journey?!


    • #316657

      This lesson really helps in asking oneself what is the true goal behind all thoughts and actions and whether I am acting out of pure altruism or not, and to strive at being more mindful of the motivation of my thoughts and heart. It also provides me with a “method” by trying to connect with the benevolence behind all that exists, and seeing the hand of God in all occurrences.

    • #313229

      This lesson is the most difficult to “understand” so far, but I think I have a desire for it.

    • #312942
      Karim C

      I’m a bit daunted at the idea of being one of ten in a Sephirot.  I look forward to it though.

      Sapphire is definitely one of my favorite colors, if not my most favorite.

    • #310913
      Lora Vatalaro

      This lesson really helped me to understand the difference between employing my thoughts in an egoistic way and employing my thoughts in a way that will move toward correction.  Knowing that the study of the Wisdom of Kabbalah doesn’t enable me to “control” this world is so helpful.  Learning that the study of the Wisdom of Kabbalah can enable me to use my thoughts to bring more light into this world is very motivating to me.


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