Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #37693

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #337983

      I left religion because I was required to be and react like everyone else. Never mind that I grew up in a violent home with verbal and physical abuse. Never mind that I was socialized with lies and a distorted view of everything. I was still required to be socially adequate with perfect manners because now I had received Jesus. I found different versions of that in all the paths I have tried to follow. Kabbalah is the first path I have found which says, you know what? That is part of you. You can’t change it. The creator will set up a new environment for you to help you work on those issues. Turns out I don’t even need to change my environment on my own! I believe it. I embrace it. I am hopeful.


    • #337265

      The concept  of  freedom. The only thing that we have is thoughts and it’s intention to reach the Creator. The good thing is thoughts do not have a limit and are faster then the speed of light…..infinity is our limit.
      Thank you.


    • #330358

      I think I am starting to envision what bestowal is, linked to the idea of Providence. What is to receive. That all that we have has been given, all is given to us. And that free will is an illusion to reinforce the sensation that I am a separated being, acting on my own.

      It’s opening up my perception and my comprehension of how reality works.

      Thank you.

      I’m looking forward to go ahead with all this transforming wisdom.

    • #327828

      This is not this lessen’s question but I want to ask .

      Are we Kabbalist?


      ””Kabbalist” mean who study Kabbalah ? or

      who master Kabbalah ??


      thank you (^^)

      • #328672

        Hi Miho,

        A Kabbalist is a person that has already attained spirituality, at least to a certain degree. We can say that we’re Kabbalah students.

        Albert @ KabU

        • #329112


    • #327808

      The lesson make me think deep.  and   a question came up.

      [we can choose only one environment]  mean “choose good  intention ” ?

      choose something not only for me but hoping to be good to others ?

      Putting love/caring  into your intention/will?” is  key ??

      I am confusing ??

      • #328671

        Hi Miho,

        We don’t choose our thoughts, we choose to be influenced by a specific environment and our thoughts and intentions are a result of that choice. So our spiritual work essentially boils down to choosing to be influenced by the spiritual environment (meaning the Kabbalistic books, group, and teacher). Everything else is a result of that choice.

        Baal HaSulam writes about it in the article “The Freedom”. Here’s an excerpt:

        “However, there is freedom for the will to initially choose such an environment, such books, and such guides that impart to him good concepts. If one does not do that, but is willing to enter any environment that appears to him and read any book that falls into his hands, he is bound to fall into a bad environment or waste his time on worthless books, which are abundant and easier to come by. In consequence, he will be forced into foul concepts that make him sin and condemn. He will certainly be punished, not because of his evil thoughts or deeds, in which he has no choice, but because he did not choose to be in a good environment, for in that there is definitely a choice.

        Therefore, he who strives to continually choose a better environment is worthy of praise and reward. But here, too, it is not because of his good thoughts and deeds, which come to him without his choice, but because of his effort to acquire a good environment, which brings him these good thoughts and deeds.”

        Albert @ KabU

        • #329111

          Albert, Thank you very much!!❤


    • #319564

      The videos on free will have been very affirming for me.  I have long suspected there is no free will as I haven´t seen any evidence of it in my own life.  However, finding that there is a small point of freedom that I can aim for is a liberation.  I am reminded of something Tony said in another video, I can see myself as a sort of prisoner of my experience with no choice or as a ´treasured guest´.  That is such a beautiful way to see it.  And, I am not without power, I have the power to put myself in the right environment, so as to connect with my spiritual root, for myself and for the coming together of the one, unified soul.  That can be a powerful guiding force for my journey in this lifetime.

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