After you try out Tim’s suggestion for dealing with a creative challenge, please share your impressions.

New Home Forums Course Forums Happiness 3. How Is My Creativity Related to Other People? After you try out Tim’s suggestion for dealing with a creative challenge, please share your impressions.

  • #28464


    After you try out Tim’s suggestion for dealing with a creative challenge, please share your impressions.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 20 total)
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    • #367212

      yes I have experienced this many a time

    • #321021

      Didn’t have  the chance to recently try out the challenge, but have many experiences of it’s “miraculous” effects. I share one: on the path of search for work in a new/desired field, I was “forced” to go to college as a senior student. Had 2 teachers to highlight the experience, call them T1 and T2. The subject T1 was teaching was the major I was attracted to the program, the subject T2 was teaching was like meh, good to have it, will drag through it. T1 was serious, conservative teacher, T2 was innovative and was fighting to have a classroom with round tables, where we can sit in circles and interact, brainstorm, problem solve and mutually support. … long story short – however there is lots of goodness in between 🥰 – I failed T1 subject related field placement and almost gave up on the whole entire program because of it, yet passed the T2 subject with flying marks and changed the trajectory of my work interest. Thankful for both teacher, as both did really go out of their own way – very differently – to help us succeed in the end. Will try Tim’s suggestion as soon as I can, thank you for the reminder.

    • #316236

      Yes it’s beautiful to experience the “think tank” vibe! I leave a good discussion about solutions on a natural high. The learning environment at Kab U is a new level of connection for me and this way I can apply what I’m learning in my everyday experience. 😀

    • #310672

      It feels like all kinds of opportunities are instantly felt as more real and more possible to actually realize, when discussed in a group of people.

    • #298532
      Abbaa Naa’ol


      According to Julie Zhuo:

      A person with creative confidence understands how to strike the balance between certainty and uncertainty. He/she understands and accepts that uncertainty, false starts, and mistakes are part of the creative process, but he/she also projects a sense of stability and progress to those around her.


    • #292308

      As soon as I decided to ask advice I came out of being stuck in my life.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 20 total)
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