Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Course Reflections Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

  • This topic has 169 replies, 167 voices, and was last updated 1 week ago by Robert.
  • #57441

    Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

Viewing 5 posts - 163 through 167 (of 167 total)
  • Author
    • #221345

      Thank you…this course clarified a lot of my questions. It was very eye opening. I am looking fwd to continue my spiritual evolution with my friends.

    • #220564
      Ty Palodichuk

      This course boosted my point in the heart. Julian is a great wish for my friends is spiritual attainment and connection.

    • #219567

      i hope to be able to establish a group in my country and put to practice everything taught. Shalom.

    • #191084

      I might have misunderstood, but I heard that in the corporeal world I should be involved in a spiritual community. I used to be observant in the Orthodox Jewish community. I am no longer. I am in a new country and have not established to be a part of the community, for many reasons, but I no longer felt comfortable in the Orthodox community. I miss being able to go to services ( Covid and membership) to hear the Torah being read. Is this important to reimmerse myself in a corporeal Jewish spiritual community? I get confused as the Rav speaks and the texts do too, of the importance of Torah and mitzvot.
      I hope this makes sense, it is being written very early in the morning. Thank you, Ricki de Wolff

    • #190978

      Thank you, Julian, for making many things that I have learned so far understandable and exciting. I wish for my friends that they find the joy and support from their friends  as they take the steps to reveal the Creator.

Viewing 5 posts - 163 through 167 (of 167 total)
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