Share your impressions and experience from listening to the book of Zohar. What feelings did it evoke in you?

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  • #29781

    Share your impressions and experience from listening to the book of Zohar. What feelings did it evoke in you?

Viewing 6 posts - 145 through 150 (of 188 total)
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    • #59895

      It was harder for me to keep the intention when listening to the English version because I was focusing on understanding. With the Hebrew version, it was easier to maintain the intention to connect with the words to allow them to bring in the light that reforms, since I didn’t understand what he was saying I wasn’t focused on understanding his words, only on the Intention. Thank you.

    • #59289
      Joanne Kabu-W10

      I felt the point in my heart stir. Both English and Hebrew resonated in my heart. Just a feeling, not understanding.


    • #58680


    • #58642

      I felt  frustrated that I didn’t feel anything.  listened to both versions several times. Fell asleep during the Hebrew version, two times of the three times I listened to it at about 1 min in. Personally I got more out of reading it then listening to it.

    • #57917
      paul domingo

      I feel a sense of familiarity when I listen to the words spoken.

      The letters also remind me of how screen on the Matrix movie where I felt that that there is something in me that can decipher meanings

    • #57247
      Pincus Mann

      It’s a brilliant course.

      thanks u

Viewing 6 posts - 145 through 150 (of 188 total)
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