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New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 1. The Thought of Creation Welcome to the course! What brings you here? Please share with the community what you hope to gain from this course

  • #55164

    Welcome to the course! What brings you here? Please share with the community what you hope to gain from this course

Viewing 6 posts - 355 through 360 (of 378 total)
  • Author
    • #127006

      To learn

    • #126909
      David Sundy

      I’m a mind-body doctor currently expanding the capabilities of Neuroemotional  technique in order to help my patients to arrive at various types of correction in the shortest amount of time possible in an effort to create an approach to mind-body healing that works for just about all people just about all of the time. That’s why I believe I incarnated on this planet in this lifetime and that’s what I’ve been working towards since I was five years old when I realized my purpose. I didn’t even know that’s what I was doing In terms of achieving correction in the shortest amount of time possible until I started to learn about Kebbalah fairly recently.  I believe learning the fundamental principles in a structured manner from the source will help shape this  technique that I’m developing and it may even prove to  be most useful to those progressing with this work who can more fully understand and appreciate the importance of arriving at various types of correction.

    • #126582

      To learn and understand creation and its purpose.

    • #126291

      I am here to attain more knowledge and more connection.

    • #126102

      I want to learn about the fundamentals of creation and what role do I have in it

    • #63376
      tefo bogosi

      to continue with my Kabbalah lessons

Viewing 6 posts - 355 through 360 (of 378 total)
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