What is the best way to contribute to world peace?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 4. Understanding the World Around You What is the best way to contribute to world peace?

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    • #280064

      Allow the Light to change us.

      After all, that’s the only reason why we have free will. To be able to choose the Path of Light.

    • #223092

      Love Each Other!

    • #221494
      hamilton de sousa

      Being at peace with my self. If I am in balance I will bring balance and harmony for the world around me.

    • #190954
      Jan Koons

      This is somewhat off course but I just finished watching some of the New Life Shows with Dr. Laitman. I had to stop. It appeared he was promoting the “New World Order” agenda where we all need to be .. robots are the best I can come up with.  All like-minded, sitting in a group wanting nothing except to help each other on the path sharing love. Is this where Kabbalah is going? Dr. Laitman is the first one I have heard give such a detailed outline of the New World.

      • #190963
        Jan Koons

        Now, I am following the course and am not so shocked by what I heard.  I can contribute by studying and practicing Kabbalah.

    • #188113

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>To change my inner qualities by learning how to become similar to the creating force.</p>

    • #183483

      By loving others as myself, and joining with others to work towards spiritual development and unity.

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