What is the greatest thing I wish to achieve through studying the Wisdom of Kabbalah?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah What is the greatest thing I wish to achieve through studying the Wisdom of Kabbalah?

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    • #315798
      zach morris4187

      From what I understand of the course so far: To change my will to receive into the will to bestow, in order to become more equivalent to the creator.
      I am initially uncomfortable with the 2nd part of the sentence. “in order to become more equivalent to the creator.” This feels like a heresy, vanity, impossible.

      but then I’m thinking about the breath of life, what that actually was when GOD filled Adam with the breath of life, he was imparting him with an eternal soul.  The essence imparted to Adam from GOD must have been a part of GOD.  Since GOD is infinite, a minutiae of HIS essence is in itself infinite.  So therefore it may be possible to achieve equivalence, since the possibility for equivalence was given during the act of creation.

      to fail reaching this equivalence is like the allegory of the guest and feast the instructor mentions in the last video.

      What I want most from the study of Kabbalah is more light.  I don’t think I fully understand what that means yet, but I know it is good.



    • #315637
      Gale Duncan

      If he exists or existed, I want to meet Jesus, and God would be pretty cool too

    • #314552

      Elevate my consciousness and eliminate my desire to revive for the self alone

    • #314300
      Larunce Pipkin

      Purpose, connection, correction, and unity

    • #314232
      Terry L

      Purify my heart and elevate my spirituality.

    • #313614

      To change, going forward and take a part in saving humanity from Whats coming. To really learn the wisdom of higher power and lead the people as an icon into the better.

Viewing 6 posts - 91 through 96 (of 364 total)
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