What is the greatest thing I wish to achieve through studying the Wisdom of Kabbalah?

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    • #43167


    • #42998

      I want to attain a better living with the guidance of my creator

    • #42930

      I have always known that everything is done to change the way I am. The pain I felt and the suffering I went through made me much better. And if it weren’t for that suffering, I wouldn’t have changed to what I am now. I feel smarter, stronger and more capable to comprehend things I previously failed to even conceive.</p>
      That made me understand that all suffering is not bad eventually and it’s my limited perception that makes things look bad.

      What I previously learned by myself, I found taught in here. I always knew that no matter how I perceive things, they are all good because they are happening for a reason. And the only reason behind those things is leading me to correctness. And correctness is the greatest goal.

      Through studying the wisdom of Kabbalah I wish to reach the final step after which I will make sense of everything that happened to me and be finally corrected the way the creator has always wanted me to be corrected.

    • #42550
      Freddie Ram

      To be able to align who I am, my wants, needs, ego, and every other part of me as well to the will of THE CREATOR.

    • #42541

      To understand why sometimes events in my life seem bad and put me a bit down when I do my best to make this world a better place for everyone. Maybe these events are not so bad and happen for a reason, despite of not getting it. Or maybe I am not doing my best in this world.

      I don´t know, sometimes I feel I need more guidance from the my overseers or spirit guides. I just wish more understanding and to evolve as a soul in order to help where and who I can.

    • #42539

      To say thank you to those who made this possible for all humanity to learn!

      To discover a practical, enjoyable approach to conscious evolution of my soul and soul level healing through connection with Creator and the incredible miraculous results I already experience even with my limited faculties in my life.

      To understand profoundly my purpose and to ensure that my purpose is good and creates a path others can follow or walk along beside me.

      Since I was very little I’ve had this dear that was kind of like this thought: ” what if no matter how I try to be good- I want to be good- I’m just bad?” I want to still that fear and do that consciously to influence the human consciousness collective and provide a light for others who have fear and don’t know why…

      Thanks so much again for all you are and all you do- we are all connected – blessings!

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