What is the importance of our intentions in our daily reality?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 3. Understanding Your Inner Self What is the importance of our intentions in our daily reality?

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    • #309011

      If my intention is to receive or to get back something from my actions whether love, admiration, a future favor then I will never be satisfied because once it is filled or refilled I will want to get more.  But if my intention is for bestowal or happiness of others and not the desire to receive then my pleasure will be unbounded and effective and like the Creator who bestowed this on me.

    • #307044

      takes one off the nature’s autopilot mode and puts the steering wheel in persons hands

    • #306742

      Intellectually, I get the meaning of become like the creator by changing my intention to be aligned with the creator and I’ll achieve equivalence of form.  But I don’t really feel it.  I can say the words, but to me they are empty if I don’t feel what they mean.  I want to study Kabbalah not to learn it intellectually, but truly feel the creator and to join with Him.  Organized religion, and other esoteric teachings, turned me off because it was just memorization and rituals that didn’t connect me with the Creator.  Even science couldn’t help.

      This is why I have committed to studying Kabbalah because of the promise that this will connect me with the Creator using a scientific method and clear understanding.

    • #304539
      Juan Londono

      Our intentions control our reality.  If your intention is only to benefit yourself at the expense of everything around you then you will likely not be very satisfied.  If your intention is to connect with the mind that guides our existence and to share your joy with it.  To bond with God and never leave its side.  Your reality is completely different.




    • #292383

      intent to bestow w/o expectations which removes pain from expectations

    • #287639
      David J

      When our intentions for our actions glorifly the Creator and help others through bestowal we grow closer to equivalence of form

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