What is the importance of our intentions in our daily reality?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 3. Understanding Your Inner Self What is the importance of our intentions in our daily reality?

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    • #287233

      Intentions are the “real” reason for our actions. There is something we want to achieve. We intend to achieve it. We devise actions in order to achieve the intention.

    • #286234
      dree monster

      it is what will send us in what ever direction. toward more pain or toward the light.

    • #286017

      We should only intend to receive in order to please others

    • #285127
      Rick Reed Sr

      Intensions are a key component in so many things including our daily reality. Great new mindset!

    • #285123

      The right intention to receive is key for our own joy. If we receive for the sake of receiving our feelings of joy and fulfillment will not last long. When we have the intention of receiving to blesss others and our Higher Power our joy will be complete because we will be looking for the good of others.

    • #284789

      <p style=”text-align: center;”> our intentions are key to everything we do…our intentions must be pure of heart and in unison with the Creator.</p>

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