What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #394253

      My best experience from the previous course is the interactive lessons.  I hope to get a better understanding of how to develop myself spiritually in this life.

    • #394108

      I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn about the Kabbalistic teachings and the previous course has helped me understand alot of things and also how to become a better person in life

      I have hoping to learn more of the teachings on the next course and to broaden my knowledge of things, also to be able to help people who are searching for guidance.

    • #394099
      Ka Bubot

      The previous course defined who I truly am, why do I act this way; and that there is only One Power in this world and beyond except “The Creator”, there’s none else.

      We fall in this “lowest” of the worlds to know that to have some form of corrections in order to be like the Creator again, to have the desire to be like Him again. I have learned that there is no free will in this world. The only free will we have is when we develop within us the true desire to be in equivalent form with Him.

      I expect the succeeding course would give us the view on how to attain the goal of being in equivalence in form and the process of correcting ourselves to attain it.


    • #394060
      Shadrak Kakumba

      The lessons I studied resonate with soul (I mean my iner essence), it sounds exactly the informations I need to bring my life to the highest level.

      My expectations for the coming lessons are first of all to understand if there is a particular purpose for myself individually, why am I on earth?

      Furthermore how can I serve the world more effectively is that is why I was born for?

      Finally: how do I live and always respecting all the laws of God(how do I satisfy all my desires in accordance with the laws, the God who made them in me)?

    • #394045

      All of the information that I received was very relevant to my desire to know more about the Creator and how I can grow closer to Him. I really enjoyed the statements that discussed some of the thoughts and feelings that we all have concerning G-D. It was encouraging to me to know that I’m on them right track. I just really want to know more about correcting my egoistic desires so that I will succeed in fulfilling the will of G-D.

    • #393949

      My best experience was being able to try to really focus on the video lectures without much distractions in the form of thoughts that the creator sends me. From this course I expect to delve deeper into kabbalah ofcourse.

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