What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #339446

      Learning something new. Taking my new knowledge and using it to improve my life.

    • #339432
      Seamus Dolan

      What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

      Best experience was the greater understanding of the methodology of the wisdom of Kabbalah and I expect that during this course a similar experience.

    • #339415

      This morning I went to the usual coffee shop for my usual cappuccino as the barista handed it to me it triggered last night’s dream…i was at the coffee shop however the barista was a man clearly resembling Einstein, he handed me my cappuccino there was a symbol written in the froth I was so blown away by seeing Einstein I took a sip of the coffee burnt my tongue and sipped the symbol away, the dream ended,wow I was blown away by the sudden recollection of the dream I went to take a sip but stopped, looked at the coffee, drawn in the froth was a beautiful heart, for me that was a sign… a bestowal of love from God. To top it off the barista now wants to know ‘all about Kabbalah and KabU’. Eagerly awaiting the Kabbalah Revealed 2 teachings. So grateful for you guys and the group, let’s make the so called ‘impossible’ happen!

    • #339333

      My best experience from the previous course was in understanding my reality and how I am responsible for my perception and experience of life.  I hope the next course will teach me how I can apply this knowledge in life.

    • #339326

      Everything has changed! After a lifetime of desperately searching for spiritual fulfilment with dissapointing results at 63 my strong desire would not let me give up. Sitting at home surrounded by hundreds of books covering every surface the corporal world could  no longer offer me what I needed and I had investigated for so long and asked many questions getting many answers however this led to more questions. So many answers left unquestioned. I had read about  Kabbalah  10 years ago I joined an online group but my desire only grew stronger with nothing to fill it, I just felt empty and had gotten sick of it all even music. All of a sudden God blessed me, Kab U KabUhad sent me an email, one that would turn my life around because the way in which they convey the Wisdom of Kabbalah is real, it just reveals in the most perfect way. Tony is an exemplary teacher you want to experience all he says giving inspiration to do the hard work and apply it to your own life and that’s when you’re mind is blown. I want to develop the sixth sense, understand nothing is as it seems and not in just a molecular way in all ways by breaking it down through thinking, very powerful insights are revealed. So now you know my situation I hope you understand what KabU means to my soul. God has bestowed me with this wisdom now because I was heading here all the time, I just had to wait until God chose bestowal and knew when I was ready to receive. I am ready for more experience and evolution toward equivalenance of form. This group is what it’s all about too, connecting together we can change the present paradigm


    • #339292
      Leyah Lynette Evol

      My best experience was finding some direction and I hope to achieve further expansion. 🙂


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