What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Welcome Back What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #127251

      I expect to learn more practical ways to connect with the Creator in my every day life.

    • #127209

      I expect to understand what it’s like not to love

    • #127040

      Is there a suggested checklist of kabbalistic practises: how to start and close each day or does each person  figure that out from the lessons?

      • #127083

        Hi Peter,

        We learn that all of the changes we undergo is thanks to the reforming light. We extract this force primarily from the Kabbalistic study. So ideally a person should set aside some time on a regular basis to return to the sources: the Kabbalistic books, videos, lessons, etc.

        As for what happens in between all those times. That depends less on our own strength and more on the spiritual environment that we place ourselves in. All of our good thoughts are the result of that environment.

        Baal HaSulam writes about this in the article “the Freedom“. Here’s an excerpt: “he who strives to continually choose a better environment is worthy of praise and reward. But here, too, it is not because of his good thoughts or deeds, which come to him without his choice, but because of his effort to acquire a good environment, which brings him these good thoughts and actions.”

        We’ll learn how to do this practically in the more advanced semesters.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #126127

      My experience from the first course was life changing…I expect to discover more truths and wisdom.

    • #63265

      How inspiring and informative the material and teaching was. Especially after  listening to Ascents and Descents in spiritual development this evening I hope joining KabU and the next course will help provide the right environment to continue and learn





    • #63080
      chris patton

      finally being amongst friends after a long time

Viewing 6 posts - 565 through 570 (of 619 total)
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