What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #59791

      Every day I am being continually astonished and astounded by the beauty and wisdom of this system. There are only a few other complete metaphysical systems that I have learned in my 40 years of studying philosophy, religion, and mysticism that even come close to matching the comprehensiveness, coherence, and cogency of Bnei Baruch’s approach to the Sophia Perennis.

      Just glancing at the reading material and the Kabbalistic texts – and getting a sneak-peak of the vast mountain ranges of knowledge and wisdom that are ahead of me on this road – I want to fall on my knees in deep and humble gratitude to you, Rav Laitman, Rabash, Baal HaSulam (and all his previous incarnations) and especially to our beneficent, all-merciful, compassionate, and generous Creator for creating me to be alive here, and in this place, and to be a person with a Will-to-Receive, which desires to learn these mysteries with other friends who share the same point in the heart.

    • #59604

      The connection to quantum physics.  I’m excited to continue the journey!

    • #58973

      from course 1 , i now understand i am created as the will to recieve. the creator and nature are one and his purpose for the creation of man is the will to bestow.

    • #58367

      One of the best concepts from the previous course was learning about the “point in the heart”, and all that follows from this.

    • #58168
      Rune T. A.

      This is the 3rd. time I do Kabbalah Revealed. I came across KabU in december last year and I have definetly improved my feeling and attitude towards Life and This World. The feeling I get from pulling in The Surrounding Light is VERY fullfilling. It´s odd that we can get so used to being “out of tune”, that the feeling of being “in tune” can become a stranger to us (asuming that I am not alone in this).

    • #58118
      Bonnie A. Bus

      Realising that there is connection without words. To understand the feeling and the suffering too. I hope I get answers ….

Viewing 6 posts - 577 through 582 (of 618 total)
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