What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Welcome Back What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

Viewing 6 posts - 589 through 594 (of 618 total)
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    • #57144

      Kabbalah Revealed Interactive 1 was a joyous experience for me. Even though Kabbalah is new to me, I felt like I was remembering it from long ago. It came to me softly and it felt cozy. The ideas were too large for me but I just sat with them. I learned how to be OK and how to balance new and often challenging and contradictory ideas.

      What do I expect from this course? Well, I expect pretty much the same as before but I’ll be able to assimilate the knowledge better, I hope 🙂 I’m also looking forward to getting to know my fellow students.

    • #57126
      humehr garivani

      I road true and real definations about life that was new and complete

      but i didn’t found the way to have love to other, i still don’t know what to do except normal trying.

      i want something like dhikr like god names that help me to make senses in my heart

    • #56892

      The first course was great! It truly clarified a lot of questions/answers. I’m looking forward to the next course!

    • #56355

      The fact of realizing how wrong we have been taught, advise on how to proceed living in this world and the constant “you were born alone, you don’t need anybody else to succeed in life” how wrong they were. We started as ONE and we will unite again. Let’s learn how to do just that.

    • #56316
      Voldsom Kraft

      Learning to trust the feelings I had inside instead of hateful things I was taught growing up. That cognitive dissonance used to really bother me. Now I know why I couldn’t do what I was told was right. Relief.

    • #55305
      Christopher Davis

      Higher level understanding of life while we do what we do in order for me to be a better human being.🖖🏾

Viewing 6 posts - 589 through 594 (of 618 total)
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