What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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Viewing 6 posts - 79 through 84 (of 288 total)
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    • #333632

      Best thing was/is I hear and see kabbalistic principles now everywhere that I never knew where there.  When I read Torah or other sources, they now jump out to me.  Excited for more understanding in next course.

    • #333111

      Hello friends and instructor,

      I feel both anxiety and fear about getting involved in a Ten, though I know the time for me to enrol in a group is now. I feel I am still far from getting the foundations of the wisdom of Kabbalah, though I have been steadfast in my dedication to the previous courses. I still don’t have a clear knowledge about what a Partzuf means, and what do the head, the body and the tail mean. I am not feeling like talking, but listening and learning instead.

    • #333053

      I am very excited about this course and I expect to find answers to some of the questions on my mind

    • #332868

      That life actually has a purpose and meaning

    • #331979
      patrick diederich

      I pondered a lot over the meaning and implications of the (previous) course material. Then during my day to day life many events occurred that I interpreted quite differently than before taking the classes. I feel I have made some progress in making myself understood and that my ability to listen and ‘get’ my interlocutor’s point of view has aslo increased. I also experienced  some situations  where I clearly missed the mark I aimed for… I however did not let the realization of my shortcomings let me drag down- not this time! I was rather  glad to discover more precisely where I really am at, as this insight allows me to improve my game. From the present course I hope to attain more clarity about how Kabbalah works as a method. I also am very eager to engage myself more personally in the study group.

    • #331729

      I can not wait !

Viewing 6 posts - 79 through 84 (of 288 total)
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