What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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Viewing 6 posts - 283 through 288 (of 288 total)
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    • #59881

      I learned how important is to connect with other people that they have the same goal, which is spiritual attainment.

      From this course, I am expecting to learn another step to the above goal.

    • #59880

      New desires.

    • #59854

      I feel more light in my life… And also can feel the point of heart better…

      I expect more practical Kabbalistic meditations for doing then in our life…and hope to have minyan as soon as possible, im so intrested to join in.

      Love and light for all of you🕯️

    • #59847
      tefo bogosi

      My growing desire and wish to be  part of a group of 10. I eneter the course with an open mind and hope that it will help me in moving a step closer to see the world as the creator sees it.

    • #59836
      Joanne Kabu-W10

      I have grown restless to find a group to study with.

    • #59107

      My best experience was being in tune with the level or degree of spirituality that exists within and now projecting or manifesting the elevated personification of the equivalence of form with others. As above, so below, and vice versa, so to speak.

      I really don’t expect anything from this course in only knowing that whatever happens, well, happens, and I am ready to bridge that gap between corporeality and spirituality with sincerity and kindness, in faith. I look forward to getting to know other souls who are on this journey as well.

Viewing 6 posts - 283 through 288 (of 288 total)
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