What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #60194

      My best experience was experiencing others in the forums and the session with Julian. I hope to ‘get my feet wet’ in experiencing Kabbalah practically.

    • #60192
      Mira Brooks

      My best experience from the previous course was learning about how Kabbalists can create a positive change in the world through understanding the root of issues. It also reinforced the importance of working within a group in order to move beyond the egoistic desires and sense of separation. We are all in this together and unity is important.

      I am hoping in this course to learn more about how students work together in order to grow in understanding and connection. I’ve learned a great deal so far, and look forward to learning more.

    • #60099

      I want my desire for Spirituality and for the Creator to over take all my other desires. I catch myself doing the “Wrong thing” With seemingly no power to stop myself. I can recognise that I don’t want what my body wants. I want to correct this!

    • #60060

      My best experience  was the inner work shifting from  theoretical to more practical, by means of introducing “the lab and the amp”.

      As the last course was “Kabbalah in action”, I expect from this new course an experience of more connection, commitment and more revalation about the structure of the ego.

    • #60015

      The last course was quite a revelation on our place between the GE and the AHP.  It gave us confidence that adhesion is possible and we have a high desire to be connected with our Ten.

      Our expectation is to get more familiar with Kaballistic tools to grow in the Light.

    • #59994
      Danielle Vergonet

      I have learned a lot. Mainly really the need inside me to studie more kabbalah and I really study now once a day for at least 15 minutes. I know it’s not much, but i do keep track on it and sometimes I study way more and sometimes the 15 minutes. But this stability really brings me further and it feels i keep in contact with the group inside. It just feels great. So the latest course brought me mainly lots of enthousiasm to dig deeper in kabbalah, but also gave me a lot of convidence about the study and it is now very important to me. I feel so grateful that this is on my path. In the beginning I needed to bring myself with willpower to te lessons and now I will cancel everything to go to the lessons.

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