What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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Viewing 6 posts - 217 through 222 (of 445 total)
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    • #320022

      By the end of kabbalah revealed part 2 I started to think about, and speak to the creator on a daily basis and pray to be able to understand his will. I also pray for others.

      I expect from this course to get some practical advice that helps to correct myself and my environment.

    • #319999

      I am still processing and digesting all that I have learned. I think it will take time and I will revisit these classes as time goes by.

    • #319786

      I am eager to learn more about prayer.  I also want to learn about the proper environment and its importance for more advanced studies.  The course syllabus seems to provide exactly what I´m looking for, having come through Part 1 & 2.  Looking forward to starting!  Thank you in advance Julian 🙂

    • #319773

      To move from theoretical knowledge to practical application/ practice.

    • #319662

      I am preparing for the work that is needed to move forward. Thanks

    • #319661
      Ann Stephens

      The best experience of Kabbalah Revealed was that I am already beginning to perceive the world just ever so slightly differently, at least at times. I look forward to learning some practices that will deepen this experience.

Viewing 6 posts - 217 through 222 (of 445 total)
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