Where are human beings located right now in the process of emergence as described in the video? (separate organisms fighting for resources/beginning to collaborate/emerging)

New Home Forums Course Forums The Science of Human Emergence Evolving to Collective Consciousness Where are human beings located right now in the process of emergence as described in the video? (separate organisms fighting for resources/beginning to collaborate/emerging)

  • #33194

    Gil Shir

    Where are human beings located right now in the process of emergence as described in the video? (separate organisms fighting for resources/beginning to collaborate/emerging)

Viewing 6 posts - 25 through 30 (of 50 total)
  • Author
    • #288132
      David J

      All of the above. This 1 (us) feels our desire to connect, by this we can assist the others

    • #287621

      Human beings are in the stage of prokaryotes. Specialized individual cells that must form a multicellular organism.

    • #286190
      dree monster

      both. some are still fighting for resources but some are awakening and beginning to collaborate

    • #285867
      Luc ANOUBRE

      I think human beings are beginning to collaborate right now, it’s the only way for us to save our planet, even if we don’t really notice this collaboration.

    • #285712

      Beginning to collaborate into the point in the heart!

    • #282293

      Based on the video I think we are heading towards emergence/collaboration.

Viewing 6 posts - 25 through 30 (of 50 total)
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