Where are human beings located right now in the process of emergence as described in the video? (separate organisms fighting for resources/beginning to collaborate/emerging)

New Home Forums Course Forums The Science of Human Emergence Evolving to Collective Consciousness Where are human beings located right now in the process of emergence as described in the video? (separate organisms fighting for resources/beginning to collaborate/emerging)

  • #33194

    Gil Shir

    Where are human beings located right now in the process of emergence as described in the video? (separate organisms fighting for resources/beginning to collaborate/emerging)

Viewing 6 posts - 37 through 42 (of 50 total)
  • Author
    • #221194

      Humans are gradually realizing that they are destroyed by fighting themselves, so they must work together to survive

    • #191268

      I think we are located in all three stages suggested above, I see a segment of humanity in each of the four stages of being (still, vegetative, animate, and speaking). My focus is on applying effort from/for the speaking phase in order to build critical mass in human consciousness that brings about the sudden and complete shift.

    • #190120

      At times it feels like we are separate organisms fighting for resources, but at specific times, specially after tragedy strikes it seems like we are beginning to collaborate and we can almost percibe some kind of tendency to emerge.

    • #63253
      Rune T. A.

      I think that we are closer to emergence than what the mainstream media refelcts. The media, as I see it, is doing more and more to divide us into groups of “us and them”, and all their talent-shows and “reality”-shows and what not are infact putting new hollow desirres and ideas into our thoughts and consciousness. But when I look around me, I see plenty loving, helpful people who are either feeling helpless about OUR situation and want the government to step in and solve each individual problem one by one, or people who just do not have an interest in how society works or should work. So I do (and have to) believe that with a bigger interest/awareness of what’s going on in the society (local and global) along with a Kabbalistic approach to life we are getting closer. I think that we are closer to emergence than to destuction (long as no crazy man sets out to burn it all down and succeed…)

    • #56174

      I believe that we as human are in the verge of a global transformation because there is no turning back as a species and I believe that mutual guarantee is the way to go for the survival of us Humans.

    • #54417

      We humans are in the worst egoistic state, destroying everything for self-love.

Viewing 6 posts - 37 through 42 (of 50 total)
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