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  • #303592


    Very beautiful and heartfelt selections and motivations!

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    • #303806

      11. Rav Laitman, daily Kabbalah lesson, 17.12.2021

      Each and every friend is a form in which the Creator turns to me. This is what is called “behind every friend stands the Creator”, so the Creator is revealed to us in billions of forms, and so I can see the billions of people in the world, that this is how He wants to show me His form towards me. But instead of all those billions of people, it’s enough for me to see my ten. And if I work with them and I do not want to change any of them, I just need to give them an example of how I relate to the Creator. Because the Creator or the friend should be the same, and even more important is how you relate to the friend.

      What an  beautifully sublime way to see the world! I pray that we all learn to experience this joy together.


    • #303802
      Michelle Jayne

      So grateful to be a part of the group and journey. I chose the paragraph about the uninvited guest. I am learning how enormous my ego was as I had spent the last 4 years studying Kabbalah under a different center. I actually made my ego bigger and wasted a lot of time thinking I was so awesome learning alone with 1 teacher. I shared so much with uninvited guests.  Ughhhhhhh. So embarrassed to think how I thought I knew so much.  So grateful for all of you and all I have to learn and connect with.

    • #303785

      “We should know that love is bought by actions, by giving his friend gifts. Then each and every gift he gives to his friend is similar to an arrow and a bullet piercing his friend’s heart, and even though his friend’s heart is like stone, nevertheless each and every bullet pierces it. 

      The result of numerous holes is an empty space, and then the giver’s love enters this space. The warmth of love attracts sparks of their friend’s love to him, and then the clothing of love is woven from both loves, for this clothing to cover them both. That means that one love surrounds and envelops both of them, and the two of them have inevitably become as one man, since the clothing covering them both is one clothing. Thus they both are annulled.”

                                                                             The Writings of Rabash, vol.1, “The Whole of Man”

      This reading opened up a whole new understanding for me about how these gifts whether material or spiritual pierce the stony heart resulting in an empty space in the friends heart, that the giver’s love enters. And this begins to clothe and cover the giver and receiver, and they become as one. Resulting in both being annulled.

      (RDB = Andrew)

    • #303726
      Brian Sachs

      I have formed orders for you so that you may be sustained in each and every situation without regressing, the most unique of which is adhesion among friends. And I guarantee that this love is capable. I will remind you of everything good that you need; and if you are steadfast in that, come what may, you will surely go from strength to strength in spiritual ascension.

      The Writings of Baal HaSulam, Letters, Letter 47


      I chose this excerpt because it reminds that in every state there is sure guidance. I felt strength.

    • #303628

      Hello Gilad,

      I chose the first paragraph excerpt;
      Working together on annulling the will to receive, called “evil”. Because we need to practice to cancel our noisy ego. And by that, we learn to discover ourselves.
      To see the merits of the friends.
      Maria Powers

      • #303675


    • #303602
      Maria Bolgar

      It is wonderful to be a grad student. To have the Young Group with instructors and friends to love and learn from. To be the member of a genuinely great ten and have access to Rav’s teaching at the noon sessions. Then, I noticed the clashes of some YG classes with the lessons with Dr. Laitman. This made me think. Rav and the KabU instructors know very well, what they are doing.  I need to make a choice perhaps? Some student friends are already attending the morning lessons and have encouraged me to do the same. I began today and loved it. But I’m experiencing a kind of a guilt feeling towards our loved instructors and the KabU/YG/ten friends for having missed some sessions with them. And plain sleep deprivation, too, if after no sleep today since about 1:30 am this morning, and our current class ending round 2 am for me, when I need to hop right into the Monday morning lesson with Rav – even missing the prep. I‘d be very grateful for guidance.

      • #303760

        Dear Maria,
        I am very happy to hear that you are being drawn to connect to all the lessons and opportunities to immerse yourself in the study of the Wisdom of Kabbalah. There are a couple of pointers that you should keep in mind to make the most of your participation.
        First, it is very important that you participate as much as you can, but it should not be done in a manner that could harm your health, your wellbeing, or your basic necessities in life like your family, job, etc.
        Secondly, you are a new student, and as such, the foundation you are learning in the Grad Environment is what will prepare you and enhance your ability to make the most of the lessons with our teacher. So, it is advisable to make the most of this time to participate in the fundamental studies before running forward to the higher studies. (But, if you feel that you can balance both, we support you completely)
        Lastly, your Young Group, and the majority of the lessons on the Grad Environment are not at the same time of the Live lessons from Rav, only A Sage Speaks and the Grad Class, and thank God all lessons in KabU and all lessons from our teacher are recorded, so there is always an opportunity to check what happened in the lesson through the recordings.

        Maria, bring these kinds of questions to Weekly portion of Light and Sunday Meeting with friends, so we can all learn from the question and the answer


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