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    • #381439

      Sorry to have missed you and this week’s lesson. Corporeal life took over my time in this world, but you were all in my heart. I’ll watch the lesson today. Good thing spiritual life transcends time and space.

    • #381182

      Homework Assignment #4

      Rabash, The Need For Love Of Friends

      Article #14 1987/88

      “3) There is a special power in the adhesion of friends. Since views and thoughts pass from one to the other through the adhesion between them, each is mingled with the power of the other, and by that each person in the group has the power of the entire group. For this reason, although each person is an individual, he contains the power of the entire group.”

      We exist only for adhesion with the Creator. We can do this by first being in adhesion together with the friends. In adhesion we are one intention, whether past, present or future. Timeless. As when we have pleasure thinking of being together with the friends, pleasure in the moments of being together with the friends and our pleasant memories and thoughts of having been together with the friends. This builds our kli with new Reshimot each time.



    • #381180

      Homework Assignment Lesson 4

      One Intention
      Everything comes from one intention—to bestow—and returns to that same intention. It is perfection. The whole of creation evolves and aspires to it.

      Based on the Daily Kabbalah Lesson on March 14, 2024. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.

      I choose this excerpt because we need to reach a state of one intention not only in the ten but the whole of humanity. Also that every action we do, we need to align our action to that one intention to form one great intention to bestow. What I felt is that we need to agree as one man with one heart in order for us to reach a state of complete bestowal.

      • This reply was modified 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Kimadigital7.
    • #379473
      Jay (Chaim S.)

      Homework Assignment #4

      Rabash The Social Writings


      Article #4 1984

      “We must understand how one can help his friend. Is this matter specifically when there are rich and poor, wise and fools, weak and strong? But when all are rich, smart, or strong, etc., how can one help another?

      We see that there is one thing that is common to all—the mood. It is said, “A concern in one’s heart, let him speak of it with others.” This is because with regard to feeling high-spirited, neither wealth nor erudition can be of assistance.

      Rather, it is one person who can help another by seeing that one’s friend is low. It is written, “One does not deliver oneself from imprisonment.” Rather, it is one’s friend who can lift his spirit.

      This means that one’s friend raises him from his state into a state of liveliness. Then, one begins to reacquire strength and confidence of life and wealth, and he begins as though his goal is now near him.

      It turns out that each and every one must be attentive and think how he can help his friend raise his spirit, because in the matter of spirits, anyone can find a needy place in one’s friend that he can fill.”

      I am feeling the special significance of this writing by Rabash. The way in which he provides us the destination and then offers us the map to find our way. My friend is low. Yet Rabash tells me the friend cannot escape the chains of his mood by himself. Rather, the friend needs me to raise him high from the state the friend is in to a new state, one of liveliness. Then my friend may reacquire the necessary strength and confidence. Rabash then reminds me I must be ever attentive and ponder how I may help the friend raise spirits because in this matter there is always a place in the friend that I may fill. Beautiful words. Lovely and majestic in its abundance of kindness and generosity. I’m moved by the elegant simplicity and practical instructions to feel and love the friend with all my heart. Love you all.

    • #379290

      Homework #4

      First of all I was very moved by Greg’s and Meine’s entries – thank you both for your thoughts and feelings. I wish we had more time to share in the larger group as I miss hearing what the men are thinking and feeling. I’m hoping the group can last longer than an hour so we can ask more questions and learn from one another.

      I chose this text from Rabash Article 2 Concerning Love of Friends: “It is known that being humble is a great thing. But we can also say the opposite – that one must disclose the love in his heart towards the friends, since by revealing it he evokes his friends’ hearts toward the friends so they, too, would feel that each of them is practicing love of friends. The benefit from that is that in this manner, one gains strength to practice love of friends more forcefully, since every person’s force of love is integrated in each other’s.

      This passage immediately caused me to feel more deeply how much I look forward to each Sun lesson and being together with the friends as a whole. And in our women’s workshops as each week passes and individual friends express their care or appreciation or doubt, I am beginning to feel a FORCE of interest and compassion growing among us. And now, even with some doubt and skepticism still lodged in my mind, my heart is looking forward to seeing the faces of my friends, hearing your voices, reading your words, and learning from you, all because we are taking the leap to open up to one another. Sending love to you all❣️

      • This reply was modified 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Jo.
    • #378837

      Homework #4

      I am choosing this text from the source:  Love of Friends – 1 – Articles – Rabash | Kabbalah Media

      I read, Love of Friends – 1

      Article No. 3, 1984

      “And a certain man found him, and behold, he was wandering in the field. And the man asked him, saying, ‘What are you seeking?’ And he said, ‘I seek my brothers. Tell me, I pray you, where they are feeding the flock?’” (Genesis, 37)…………………………………………

      Complete article in link above.

      I chose this text because I keep experiencing how special it is to work in a group with friends. Experiencing that I cannot do it alone and praying that I can be there for them.

      The article is for me how we can find our spiritual path together, by staying sd together supporting each other and stay united.

      Love you all, Meine.

      • #379169

        Love you too Meine!

      • #378843

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