Young Group with Joseph & Alex

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    • #378545
      Jay (Chaim S.)

      What is my impression of the Rav?

      My first impression of Rav from the documentary clip “Into Truth” was of a man who understood and fully embraced his obligations ; his obligation to the importance of the goal and to his teacher who he states ” … has left me everything.” I could clearly see in his eyes and feel in his words the significance and importance he attributes to the thousands of Kabbalists across thousands of generations. His heartfelt words, “My life doesn’t belong to me … because it doesn’t belong to me it has some merit.” left me in tears. The Rav is our teacher, the one who leads us to the Creator, and helps us to find the connection between us. One further impression: for me the Rav is the best example of a true mensch, a human being the way we, and I would imagine the Creator, wants a human being to behave, live and love.

    • #378433

      Watching Rav in the clip from Into Truth, I felt many things. The words that stuck with me – “How can I not do it?” I felt love and compassion and appreciation for his dedication to this work. I felt great admiration and respect for his obligation to his teacher – I want to feel that. I also wanted to lift him up, and his family – that was a very powerful feeling – but I know I am just a beginning student in full blown reception and realize all I can offer is my eagerness to learn and my willingness to accept his teachings, and my desire to engage with other Friends in the manner he is teaching us.

    • #377992

      Homework Assignment Lesson 3

      1. Watch the Clip – Relationship to one’s spiritual teacher
        Think about the role the teacher has in our spiritual path, and write in a few sentences, what do I have to do in order to “make myself a Rav”
      2. Watch clip about Rav from the documentary “Into truth”
        Share on the dedicated Young Group Forum your impression of Rav after watching this clip
      • #378664

        What do I need to do to “make myself a Rav”?
        I must show deep respect and dedication, be open to learning and self-transformation, and constantly strive to apply the teachings in my daily life. It requires humility, trust and dedication to the path of Kabbalah.

        My impression of the Rav

        The Rav encourages me to examine everything said and written in Kabbalah. An example of great humility that gives me the confidence to follow him.


      • #378649

        1. Fully committed choice and desire to put myself under the influence of the teacher. The goal is to accomplish the fulfillment of the purpose of His creation according to the Creator’s thought and I fully trust that the teacher is capable to teach us accordingly. Keep and grow the desire in the group to learn the truth from him and follow the teacher’s instructions and fully submit to him.

        2. My impression is that Rav is speaking the truth and that he is a genuine, humble and lovable person, completely devoted to the goal.

      • #378287

        I am a point in the heart but if I continue to annul to the Rav and absorb truth without resistance we will be able to grow together through connection through much effort above our intelligence and above our corporeal thoughts and mind. As a Rav the students become higher regard than the teacher as to through the teacher the group becomes higher than myself as I wish to elevate them above myself to truth .


        My impression of Rav after the clip is that his adhesion with The Creator is far beyond my own. As was explained about the point in the heart once one with a true point in the heart hears of the truth he cannot avoid it or run from it or avoid it in some way and I heard this in his speaking when he said that he doesn’t live his life for himself anymore but not in a way in which we should feel sorry for him. On the contrary. He sees this as a great responsibility to the end of the goal .

    • #377796

      I haven’t received any email links for today’s young group lesson, i know the website is having technical difficulties.

      I did watch the recording for lesson one which i found here, so im hoping i don’t miss out again on meeting you all.

      • #377920

        Hi Bradley, sorry for the inconvenience. The website is fixed and you should be good now.

      • #377820

        Hi Brad, I was able to resolve the technical issues by communicating with Michelle. She or one of the KabU team will help you. Also, Michelle sends out an email a few days before with the actual link to each Sun group – it doesn’t pop up in the GE forum. Hope you are able to make it soon!

    • #377760

      We gather together with one yearning – to be like the Creator, the force of unconditional love and bestowal.

      But because our will to receive, our self love, is so strong, it is of utmost importance to form a group of friends growing this same desire. This group, guided by our teachers and the writings of Kabbalah, will generate a great force that encourages and assists each of us to turn this “everything for me” into “love for you”, “love for all”.

      We do this by regarding all friends in our group as equals, and by respecting the seriousness of our goal to achieve Dvekut with the Creator.

      • This reply was modified 3 months ago by Jo.
    • #377738

      Homework assignment Lesson 2:

      Read the first 2 articles and extract 3 key principles that will help us achieve our goal.

      Purpose of Society 1

      1- We must have a yearning not to miss any opportunity to bestow
      2- Each and every friends should follow the spirit of bestowing upon the Creator and to achieve bestowal upon the Creator, we must begin with bestowal upon the friends.
      3- We must have this fear for not using our vessel for self-reception.

      Purpose of Society 2

      1- Without annulling self-love it is impossible to achieve Dvekut with the Creator.
      2- There should be equality among the friends who unite, so one can be annulled before the other.
      3- It is important to remain serious during the assembly so as not to lose the intention, as it is for this that have gathered.

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 29 total)
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