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  • Joshua Ajang

    Hi colleagues in kabbalah.

    Basically kabbalah is a school of great wisdom capture, according to my perception kabbalah want to change life of oneness, egoism to altruism world of together despite white people, black or colors.
    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Kabbalah want to change negative atitude  to positive behavours and make sure that cultures and norms are the same in the earth up to heaven praise one God ,one system of ruling in the government and churches.</p>

    Joshua Ajang

    Hi colleagues in kabbalah.

    Basically kabbalah is a school of great wisdom capture, according to my perception kabbalah want to change life of oneness, egoism to altruism world of together despite white people, black or colors.

    Kabbalah want to change negative atitude  to positive behavours and make sure that cultures and norms are the same in the earth up to heaven praise one God ,one system of ruling in the government and churches.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #187333
    Joshua Ajang

    Hi everyone

    I hope you are doing well at the school, am Ajang Joshua Kuol from Africa dark continent, Country South Sudan in East Africa region my interest to the Kabbalah i would like to join the free world realities and truth about tree of life and also helping myself psychologically and spiritually boosting, please received me as all you can.


    Ajang Joshua

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