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  • in reply to: Ask Anything #387849
    Alexandra Toma

    Hello there 🤗! I am a beginner, I’ve been studying Kabbalah for some weeks now and I would like to check if I am on the right track. Here is what I have understood so far:

    1. I cannot perceive the entire reality correctly because everything I perceive is filtered by my senses and interpreted by the ego in a way that serves my ego. So what I actually perceive through my senses are parts of me that have to be corrected.

    2. I have to receive and accept everything that is in my life with joy and with the intention to bestow to the Upper Force (feel appreciation)

    3. I have to connect with others with empathy and bestow to them ( offer them what I truly and unegoistically think they need) with the intention of understanding the Upper Force and feeling what it feels.

    I’ ve been trying to put this in practice already, so I would to understand if this is right or am I missing something. Thank you!

    in reply to: Ask Anything #386654
    Alexandra Toma

    Hello! I would like to ask you what is the perspective of Kabbalah on energy healing. Since “there is no one else besides Him”, I am thinking that, maybe, working with energy healing is like working with other natural forces such as electricity, except that energy healing is something that humanity is just starting to understand. Is this correct? Thank you!

    in reply to: How can we move forward on the path of light & transformation? #385943
    Alexandra Toma

    Change our intention and desire to become more like the Creator

    in reply to: What is the real reason for conflict and chaos in the world? #385942
    Alexandra Toma

    Egoistic desire

    in reply to: What is the best way to contribute to world peace? #385941
    Alexandra Toma

    Change your intention to receive to an intention to bestow and connect with others

    Alexandra Toma

    We correct our intention from a desire to receive to a desire to bestow

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