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  • Curtis AO

    Thanks Albert,

    I appreciate the correction.

    1) So, the spiritual ego receives light, which means a greater reception of pleasure. As you develop you receive pleasure it becomes a spiritual sensation through the spiritual ego according to the equivalence of form. Is my thinking clear according to Kabbalah?

    3) Could you explain a bit more about the spiritual ego? You said it’s everything that stands in the way of connection to the creator. I am a bit confused. I think the psychological definition is different than the definition in Kabbalah. That would mean no form of egoism is good like vanity or pride.

    2) Our nature in the world of outcomes is opposite to the world of causes. So, when you attain equivalence of form there is a similarity between these our nature and the creator’s in both worlds. Is this correct?

    4) When there is an equivalence of form does that mean the above downward and below upwards move you into a different level or reception?

    5) Is there material that outlines the degrees and their state of attainment?



    Curtis AO

    Hi Albert,

    I didn’t realize KabU kindly provides the reading material. I am interested in learning, slow and steady.

    1.) My first question is what is meant ego-ism. It’s not clear to me. The text seems to imply altruism is an antonym of ego-ism

    2) Some of the videos mentioned we don’t have the senses to perceive the spiritual worlds or upper force. The reading, however, mentions “spiritual sensations”. What is meant by that? I understand there are degrees of attainment. Does each degree have a different “spiritual sensation”? My guess is a sense of the inner self perceives these “spiritual sensations”.

    3) I’m confused about desires, kilum, and the will to receive. We all want pleasure. When the kli is fulfilled, we are left with more desire. We have the will to receive which creates more kilum. Is this right?

    Curtis AO


    Okay. I have yet to read the books. I’ll watch more videos til then.

    Curtis AO


    I meditate. I would like to understand it simply according to the material. I bought the reading materials for the course. I have to wait a few days to get the books. I’ve watched multiple videos. My first feeling about this concept is that it is a self-affirmation of reception based on how clear and strong the desire is.

    I want to be sure I comprehend this really basic thing. That desire alone is enough to gain light and a sense of the spiritual world.

    How would you describe the sense you gain from seeking abstract light? Is it the “sixth” sense? Is it a feeling of elation that you have received fulfillment?



    Curtis AO

    I would like to gain a stronger sense of life.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #332269
    Curtis AO

    Hello everyone, my name is Curtis. I am in the United States. I have a routine of meditating every day. After a while, I started questioning whether there is an infinite universe that we are sensing.

    I started to really like the saying, “One with the universe”. I’ve watched a couple of videos on Kabbalah. I absolutely love the idea there is always more to receive. It gives a reason to be thankful and open to the universe.

    I am interested in learning about reality both the inner and the outer. Anyway it’s nice to meet you.


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