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  • davison

    dearest teacher,

    would i be wrong to say that the torah is speaking to us not only in riddles but that we also miss most of it’s teaching because we only read the letter of the words (face value)?

    if i may use the levitical laws and the lay-out of the tabernacle as an example:

    we read about the person walking to the tabernacle with his sin offering and all we see is a sinner, but its not about that person but its teaching me about myself…

    do i realize that the person with the animal on his way to the door of the tabernacle already did repentance (i mean he already is holding his offering in his hands), and what is he taking to the door of the tabernacle (animal (rich), two doves (middle class) or flour (poor)), which teaches me that they do have financial needs or not and what i need to do to assist such a person.

    it’s teaching me not to judge but to think about what is said behind the physical words.

    hope it makes sense


    Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson?
    to understand the man made world as a whole better; and to be able to differentiate between the man made world and the world the creator meant it to be.

    What do you desire to achieve from it? inner peace

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #317879

    good day everyone, my name is davison and i am from south africa, and father of three beautiful sons.

    i learn to be the best version of myself within abba’s directions.

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