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  • in reply to: Ask Anything #290027
    Jake Lawy

    Hi Jim,

    Hope you are well.

    I am looking for a clear definition of what the WILL is in order to adequately differentiate will to bestow from desire to bestow.

    Is will the source of desire? Ie creator = will to bestow

    creation = will to recieve


    desire to give is created by the will to bestow as soon as a true deficiency or desire to receive is formed ?

    If I could also be clear about will as opposed to both thought and intention that would help me also .

    If you are aware of the Hebrew words for these things I’d be happy to know them .

    Thank  you



    Jake Lawy

    I’d like to understand the key terms in this map of the worlds

    in reply to: Ask Anything #281913
    Jake Lawy

    Thanks Jim,

    It is all coming together. I shared with my 10 they are buzzing!

    I have one more question to follow up

    I am reflecting on now is the meaning of the difference between the upper two levels on the diagram in the article; in the second top level AHP is above GE whilst on the top level GE is above AHP

    it could mean that ultimately ones sense that one has anything to give is nullified by the greatness of the creator and that all giving can only be to others … done in order to bring joy to creator?  but it could mean many other things also!

    Any clarity you can bring will bring great joy to the friends

    thank you Jim

    in reply to: Ask Anything #281685
    Jake Lawy

    Thank you , that article is perfect ! I searched snd searched but never found it!

    So hafetz hessed is gar part of bina . This is the pure desire to bestow as opposed to corrected will to recieve which is zat.

    i will look for snd review that class . It’s in my head but not clear ,

    reading the link i have another question :

    I see two binary distinctions relating to bina:


    Ge/ ahp

    can you help me understand what they are in relation to each other and how each applies as opposed to the other ?

    Thank you again








    in reply to: Ask Anything #281492
    Jake Lawy

    hello all,

    I have a technical question. I have tried to understand the concept hafetz hessed. I noticed similarity to the phase behina bet, where the being realises giving is better – so the desire awakens . the next realisation (I think ) is that one has nothing to give and no capacity to give which would be in the next phase ?

    The main point I am asking is is hafetz hessed a more specific articulation of the behina bet part of the process or is it not related like this at all?

    I am in a young group now . My reason for wanting to know is that our prayers will be accurate.

    thank you in advance





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