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  • in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #288211

    Hi, Im Kevin, I joined this course because I find Kabbalah to be overhwelming without having a structured approach, hope this platform will provide that structured approach, nice to meet you all

    in reply to: Ask Anything #288201

    Get some sleep!!

    in reply to: Ask Anything #288083

    Which version of the Zohar should I be reading from? The Kabbalah center translation, the pritzker translation, or the translation. Please let me know, thanks. Also is there an English translation of The Study of the Ten Sefirot?

    in reply to: Ask Anything #288031

    Hi David, it’s nice to meet you! This was a subject that I just heard about in the Reveal Kabbalahs Secrets guide. From what was explained the point in the heart refers to the simple desire for spiritual attainment. Since you are here it must be a sign that that point has already been activated in your heart. Im really new to this so if someone has anything more to add please do. Good luck!

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