Profile Topics Started Replies Created Engagements Search topics: Forum Topics StartedViewing 10 topics - 1 through 10 (of 48 total)1 2 3 4 5 →ForumsVoicesRepliesLast Post What is missing for us human beings to fulfill our role in the system? Started by: Lio Spiegler- KabU Instructor in: FULFILLING OUR ROLES3740 2 months, 3 weeks ago Paul Imagine what the world would be like if the Jews and everyone else wanted to know and fulfill their role in the system of nature? Started by: Lio Spiegler- KabU Instructor in: COMING FULL CIRCLE3333 3 months, 2 weeks ago Heather Putting your feelings aside, what did you take from this section of the course? Started by: Lio Spiegler- KabU Instructor in: FEELINGS ASIDE4545 3 months, 2 weeks ago Heather Is the world right to hold Jews to a higher standard? If yes, what would that standard be? Started by: Lio Spiegler- KabU Instructor in: QUANTUM LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF3636 3 months, 2 weeks ago Heather What if Jews are the Hubs of the species and the events of history constantly force them to recall and perform that function? Started by: Lio Spiegler- KabU Instructor in: THE META NETWORK3939 3 months, 2 weeks ago Heather Before we dive in, introduce yourself and share your thoughts on the topic: Why does such a small fraction of the human family draws so much attention? Why do so many people have such a gut level reaction to “The Jews”? Started by: Lio Spiegler- KabU Instructor in: INTRODUCTION6262 3 months, 2 weeks ago Heather What if the history of our relationship with Jews in the Human network actually follows the template for how nature evolves all its systems? Started by: Lio Spiegler- KabU Instructor in: RELATIONSHIP3636 3 months, 2 weeks ago Heather ¿Qué pasa si la historia de nuestra relación con los judíos en la red humana en realidad sigue el modelo de cómo la naturaleza evoluciona todos sus sistemas? Started by: Lio Spiegler- KabU Instructor in: RELACIÓN33 3 months, 4 weeks ago Enid Dejando a un lado tus sentimientos, ¿qué te llevaste de esta sección del curso? Started by: Lio Spiegler- KabU Instructor in: SENTIMIENTOS APARTE44 4 months ago Enid Antes de profundizar, preséntate y comparte tu opinión sobre el tema: ¿Por qué una fracción tan pequeña de la familia humana atrae tanta atención? ¿Por qué tanta gente tiene una reacción tan visceral ante “Los judíos”? Started by: Lio Spiegler- KabU Instructor in: INTRODUCCION55 4 months ago EnidForumsVoicesRepliesLast PostViewing 10 topics - 1 through 10 (of 48 total)1 2 3 4 5 →