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  • Mathieu DANHO

    I wonder when sayîng Kabbalah can be taught to everybody for the essence of Kabbalah is the divine Torah through the great Zohar.

    We can set apart that wondrous Torah from it for the Zohar is from it.

    Even if the creator open some doors to Torah unbeliever, shall he not be stop at a certain level of the ladder?

    According to me, What is the real purpose of Kabbalah ?

    Is it only to know who am I or so on?

    Our great Kabbalists went to the went up to the creator with love to the creator because they have heard about him, his greatness; they desired to see him and dwell in his majesty,  fullness and presence.

    Today, Why are we climbing the ladder? Are we doing as Babel time?

    It is for our own egoism purpose ?

    Everybody can hold the same device but are we using it for the purpose for which it has been designed?




    Mathieu DANHO

    I have got many visions about Kabbalah. Why did I received them? What is the purpose ? I have heard this loudly three months ago: “You have 43 , It is time to learn Kabbalah” . The thirst time I saw the ZOHAR it was through a vision in 2012. I wrote more than thousand visions. Three days ago, I heard loudly “It is time to study kabbalah”. I came accross Rav Laitman’s book “Kabbalah for beginner”. When I started reading that book, I saw great visions. Since 1 month I started reading many of his books. It has been 13 years I have started writting visions about the coming of Mashiach.

    As I have been told to learn Kabbalah, I just want to discover why and what is going to happen in the whole World because what I see is about achieve the balance of the universe.

    Can a teacher here help me????8?

    Mathieu DANHO

    I  want to discover how close to the Creator I can go and unfold the essence that we think is impossible to perceive

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #378355
    Mathieu DANHO

    I am Mathieu DANHO from Ivory Coast. I heard about Kabbalah through series of about thousands visions coming to me since 2011.  This is my 13 th years of written visions. Particulary this year I have been told in vision to start learning Kabbalah. For me it is possible to go over the two boundaries : matter and form in matter up to abstract form and essence…………   Blessed be the Holy one.

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