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  • Michael Abrahams

    What is there in Kabbalah that makes it different from all that has been said, such as mysticism, religion, and so on?
    What can convince me to abandon other methods of meditation or meditation and choose Kabbalah? In fact, can Kabbalah show me that in practice it brings me closer to the true Creator of the universe? Or are his claims only theoretical?

    Michael Abrahams

    I want to know what is Kabbalah, and why it’s called hidden wisdom? and who can study it?

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #52088
    Michael Abrahams

    Hello, I’m Michael from the USA. My major is computer and math, but I have also done a lot of study on philosophy, history, religions, psychology, and astronomy. Until a few years ago, I was a believer in science, but I realized that its end is nothing more than absurdity and could not guarantee a better future and morality. Then I started looking for spirituality. Alone, and without familiarity with Kabbalah, I came to the results I now see similar to those in Kabbalah. One of my new friends introduced me to Kabbalah and Bnei Baruch, and I decided to take it seriously here.
    I hope being here and with you will help me strive for a better future with spirituality.

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