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  • Nemo

    Full reality, where the will to receive is transformed into the will to bestow, because complete perception brings us so close to it, we are the same.


    Is it possible something (a higher force, the Creator, the universe, etc) is guiding a person so they act out this deeper truth without knowing it yet? Or naturally leads them to awakening to it? I’ve become more aware and experienced a deeper physical reality, and it seems like I am perceiving and speaking things that “someone else” is saying who understands a fuller picture.

    Another question, does Kabbalah say anything about the nervous system? Or is there a modern translation now that we know more about the nervous system? Different sciences might describe the same reality but reveal different perspectives and truth about it, and I’ve noticed my journey to healing trauma is the same journey as deep awakening- I’m wondering how accurate it is to say this deep awakening changes or happens in the nervous system. If you can’t answer this question, is it accurate to perceive that this awakening process is fundamentally physical?


    I want to see how this compares to my previous discoveries of experiencing deep inner Being, seeing the liberating truth beneath illusions.

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