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  • Gregory Lehtimaki

    Perception of reality… I think everyone has a different perception, i.e., some people live in, I think a false world of “happiness”; no one is happy all the time… they may perceive such, but their behavior suggest otherwise.   It is my opinion, as far as I live my life, the sixth sense is my connection to haShem, through my faith, religion (Judaism).  To get outside of the “box” of my five senses, into that “sixth sense”, I pray, I try to live my life (behavior and thought process) in the spiritual through mitzvot, chesed, etc.  I can choose my reality… I can to my best to avoid negative people, and circumstances that affect my physical life via my senses.  I believe the Hebrew Scriptures outline how to live a spiritual life. it gives us the direct knowledge; it gives us beliefs, but those beliefs are your spiritual connection to G-d – to another perception of reality… THE SPIRITUAL.  To get out of the “box”, I feel we MUST have a relationship to the G-d of Israel.

    Now I am sure I am off the mark in my understanding in regard to this lesson… yet that is what my take-away is with perception – Physical or Spiritual.

    Gregory Lehtimaki

    I am behind the eight ball in responding.  I am curious of Kabbalah, hence that is why I joined this course.  One aspect that I enjoy is gematria.  I know it is but one aspect, but I find it the most fascinating… to discover the sod level of scripture is profound to me.  I understand there is much more to it… but I am not a pie in the sky kind of person… I am a realist that wants to explore more of the spiritual.  Perhaps this course will provide that.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #411669
    Gregory Lehtimaki


    I am Greg Lehtimaki,  I am from America by way of world travels.  I hope to expand my knowledge of my faith (Judaism) with this course.  I am not much of a kabbalist, but I enjoy gematria.

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