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  • Soph

    I’ve learned that faith is the key to experiencing the goodness the Creator wants to bestow on me based on the desires I’ve had. If I hold onto the desire by continuously feeling a lack, I will continue to suffer and also cling to what I no longer want out of fear of the unknown. When I have faith, I allow myself to receive guidance to the fulfillment of my desire and I trust, above reason, in this guidance. When I do this, the world transforms into a loving, supportive, environment that, as if by magic, has delivered me my desires, even through strangers that don’t know that they were guided by the hand of God as a willing and able divine tool. This reveals the connection of all things. Faith allows me to maintain a feeling of receptivity. This works whether the desire is large or small. Smaller desires are easier for the ego-mind to have faith and let go of and so it may seem that they are easier to allow. Really, it is because of ourselves and our faith or lack thereof. Faith is what makes it possible to let go of the desire and letting go of the desire allows us to receive it. Having a desire is like writing the Creator a letter. Letting go of the letter is like delivering the letter to the Creator. The effects are immediate once the letter is let go. If we hold onto it, we suffer and may even feel alone and stuck. We are stuck. We stuck ourselves. Once I realized it was me working against what I wanted and living in fear, clinging to what I didn’t want, I had to laugh at myself. God’s love for me was always there, it was me who refused to accept it. My life has completely changed since for the better. I move through challenges with more ease and grace. When it appears that I’m losing something, I realize that it’s something that I no longer wanted and this is the way the Creator is fulfilling my desire; by making space for what I actually desire, so I let to in faith and pay attention to what beautiful gifts the Creator has in store for me around the corner.


    I realize that it’s my orientation to life, my fear or lack thereof, of the unknown that dictates the quality of my life and my choices. When I act in faith by believing that the Creator is good that does good, I have less resistance to life. I now have less stress which means physiologically, my view of things can be broad and open to receive what the Creator has offered to me.When I act from fear of the unknown and cling to what I’ve already deemed as garbage, in a manner of speaking, I end up suffering and living a smaller, less fulfilling which keeps attempting to push me forward into faith, courage, and to the higher levels of awareness of reality. Living from a place of faith and curiosity has opened up my life in ways I could never have imagined. Synchronicities abound, guiding me onto my highest fulfillment and purpose. Now I see that these rejections were for my good and that the Creator had never had a hand in my suffering, it was my own free-will, fear-based choice to stay there. I live a more authentic, fulfilling exisitence which my environment responds well too, for the most part. Those still living in lower places may feel threatened while most others are inspired, as the Creators light fills me and emanates from me. This manifests in unique ways meant just for me, while still being a true law of nature that applies to everyone that takes the scientific, kabbalistic approach. If results are not occurring, it’s most likely due to self-deception, where I may tell myself I’m living in accordance with these laws but they are only being acted on the surface. I paraphrase, by our fruits, we will be known. It all starts with the intention. I also find that when I spend even just 15 minutes in meditation, focusing on the surrounding light building my kli, the light filling me, being directed in body, heart, and mind by this light while feeling it, my day is so much more focused in this direction. Again, this is a strong tool of intention, where will, mind, and heart are all in alignment with my desire and the Creator’s wish that I become equivalent in form with Him.


    I expect that the lesson will assist me to shift my perspective. I desire to gradually build my vessels of bestowal through each lesson and the application of the wisdom to become more equivalent in form with the Creator.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #407551

    Hello, I’m Sophia from British Columbia, Canada and am a social worker. I began to study Kabbalah a number of years ago and am feeling a strong pull to do so again. Glad to be a part of the group.

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