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  • Poli

    Hello dear teachers and fellow students.

    My question is whether our desire (or will to receive) is egoic in nature or if our desire can go in 1 out of 2 directions, one of them being egoic and another altruistic? Also do the 0-4 levels of desire only relate to it’s egoic aspect which would be in contrast to altruistic desire which draws  our closer to the Creator instead of away from Him? Ooh I just had a thought occur, do the 0-4 levels relate to the 125 steps of discent and assent of Light which one must climb in order to connect with and know our Creator?

    Thank you so much!



    I feel like my objective coming into this lesson is to begin to fully grasp what Kabbalah is, not just on an intellectual level but on deeper level of the heart. I want to have a clear understanding and comprehensive of this very important question and be able to articulate the answer not only to myself but others as well (if or when the right time came for it).🙂

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #223129

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hello dear friends!🙂 It is such a delight to be joining you all here and together embarking upon this journey of deeper wisdom, revelation and love. I am very much looking forward to learning, growing and hopefully getting to know some of you lovely people as we engage in this study.🌸🤍</p>

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