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  • in reply to: Ask Anything #369137

    Awesome. Thank you! Looking forward to the songs for the coming retreat too.

    in reply to: Ask Anything #369080

    With the retreat coming up soon, is there a way to get the guitar chords, the music for the songs? I heard Seth sing one of his latest songs today and it was wonderful. I’m out of practice but I would love to try and learn a song or two. And maybe play along here at home virtually during the retreat, (not to call any attention to myself please, just to see if I can do it). Music has been such a healing calming force in my life. Thank you.

    in reply to: Share Your Thought About the Grad Section #368743

    At the end of class last night, “A Sage Speaks,” Seth asked for feedback on how he handles the class. It’s amazing. Earlier that day I read this tip from the Rav. It says much more than I could ever put into words. I hope all teachers take it to heart:
    The Allegory of Timidity, Cunning and Courage
    Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman
    “Timidity wanted to hide from itself, but where? Cunning advised it: “Why don’t you settle with Courage? It won’t be so scary then.” Timidity went to Courage, but was afraid to knock on the door, so Timidity just laid down on Courage’s porch. Since then, the path to courage lies through timidity.

    This is true because with an egoistic nature, where we each wish to benefit ourselves at the expense of others, it is impossible to achieve courage without fear. How do courageous people deal with this? It is by overcoming timidity. It turns out that the more timid we are, and the more we overcome timidity, the braver we become.

    We are fundamentally timid because our egoistic nature, which acts in a direction of self-preservation, prevents us from acting recklessly against ourselves. It naturally works to protect itself against any perception of harm that might come its way.

    It is important to understand that timidity is a very strong human feeling and it protects us from several problems that we could cause ourselves and others.

    We should thus not look down on people who say they are timid, as is commonly the case. We just need to know how to balance this force and take care of ourselves in any situation with consideration for how much it is needed.

    There is no such thing as courage without fear, unless it is pathological. We can take animal behavior as an example. Animals do not attack recklessly, but check, make circles, and so on, and only if it is necessary do they rush forward. If a person is purely reckless and courageous, then they are not actually courageous.

    In relation to these two qualities, we should weigh everything, for and against, and solely if we are convinced that there is no other way, then we can strike. Timidity and caution should be taught as qualities that help us protect ourselves and create a balanced view of the world.”
    I am still a work in progress. I am not a brave soul that can engage in endless public discourse. I’ve been living mostly isolated for several years. I’m working to change that.  I am by no means a sitting zombie on this side of the screen. I diligently take notes and listen closely in every class I attend. I enjoy the passion and the dedication shown by the teachers. I’m learning so much. My heart is overfilled with gratitude. Bless you all for your hard work and effort to help us all learn!! Thank you!

    This is my equation:  Harshness, Hard, Calling people out in a pushy way = bullying.  It’s intimidating and I believe it can turn shy people and newcomers away. All types of people are here. Do we really want to see any one of them (these precious points in the heart) leave just because of a teaching method that scared them away?  So, I am not a fan of over-the-top teaching methods. I prefer kindness and measuring the temperament of the group before moving toward a more aggressive teaching style. My suggestion to pull people into the conversation more is to ask simple conversational questions that are easy to answer and can get people use to talking in front of a large group. The whole process we are learning is all about connection. I think more could be done to include even the more “timid.”

    I can speak from experience.

    The stress and pressure of coming up with a sane intelligent response or question in front of a large group of strangers can be, well IS overwhelming.

    And how am I suppose to ask a question about something that sounds like total mental mush to me? I was told to keep listening and eventually I’ll get it. Well, that’s working. But I can do without the pressure to ask questions I don’t know how to formulate yet.

    I know we are supposed to be annulling ourselves and I get that. I’m working on it and it’s a fervent prayer under my breath as I attend all these great classes. But talking in front of people is a skill I just don’t have… YET. I am learning. For some it comes natural. For me… a big nope. I think I could become very good at it, someday. I do better one on one, or in very small groups. More than a few and I still feel awkward. Once I get in a TEN and I get to know my group it’ll be wonderful, I’m sure. But in a class with over 40 people I don’t know? It’s hard. Please don’t make it harder.

    Writing this out in a public space is very hard for me. I hope it’s taken with the grace, passion and love it was written with. If we want to stay true to our mission, even the ‘little ones’ the ignoble … what I once read in the Bible, should have a welcome place here too. Tears are swarming in my eyes… thinking of the people too timid to speak out but burning with an inner passion to participate. The question is, can we make it easier for them to join in?

    Just thought of this… could there be a zoom meeting formed just to help people get use to being on camera and talking on a computer mic? I do not want to in any way lessen the importance of what we’re learning. But connection is what we are all working hard on… so let’s work on it. Let’s get creative and make a positive move to include more personalities, jmho.




    in reply to: Young Group with Anne Pier & Juan discussion forum #368304

    I read over my post and realized I had to correct something. I think I’m closing in on more like a hundred times I’ve read this verse. Of all the materials I’ve read so far, from the first time I saw a teacher quote this one, this is the one verse that hit me IMMEDIATELY. I was graced with an understanding I never had before. I think I actually had a huge wave of goosepimples… just wow. I work to keep that understanding and feeling every day.

    in reply to: Young Group with Anne Pier & Juan discussion forum #368303

    I’ve read this one a dozen times or more. “It is written, “there is none else besides Him.” I made a cover to go over my Shamati book so I could take it with me where ever I go. Things in my purse can get pretty tattered so I wanted to protect this book. It’s one of my favorites. (…well, I love them all but this one has something in it that really ‘speaks’ to me). I read this verse and the following words in that first paragraph often to remind me of the real, reality. I read it with the intention and prayer to gain more understanding of my place in this reality… to ask for the training my heart needs to take my place in this society. And, I ask for correction and to understand and feel my way to the center line. (It’s a bumpy ride so this verse is kinda like my anchor. I read it almost daily, and think it from the heart many times daily).

    in reply to: Young Group with Anne Pier & Juan discussion forum #366455

    Think about the role the teacher has in our spiritual path, and write in a few sentences, what do I have to do in order to “make myself a Rav”

    You could read Rav’s words on a page but his sincerity, you can see it in how he expresses himself. There’s no its, ands or buts about it. You feel that he’s telling his truth, the truth, right down to his bones. If you don’t see that first, you loose part of what he’s telling us.

    He says that after many years, he feels like a baby shouting out? O my. Being new that puts me squarely in the womb as a speck, just starting to develop. If he’s cradled in the arms of thousands of Kabbalists, then the only place a speck waiting to be born can be is in the surrounding Light. We can’t see it because we are in the veil of the womb. At least now, I know it’s there, so maybe my speck is growing a little now.

    “Make myself a Rav” ? If he feels his life does not belong to him, that he’s shouting out for thousands before him… then I’ve got a lot of internal work to do. If you truly cherish life, you must take your place in this process of reaching the goal of creation.

    Then… my life doesn’t belong to me either. A new concept for me, but I’m learning  As a mother, you loose your sense of self with your children, so I know sort of what this is. But it puts into perspective, an even greater sense of who my life belongs to. It’s all of you, and through you, the Creator.

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