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  • in reply to: Ask Anything #282562

    .. allow me to share a dream to you when I was at the age of 10 or 11, now you must understand that I grew up as ignorant and not really religious but was sent to church and sunday school and unfortunately for me I didn’t understand really anything of what was taught or perhaps I was not interested and I’ve never heard or knew about Moses or halos and the like of it! Or neither about commandments and so forth

    .so allow me to share this dream of which I had as a child, perhaps someone here maybe enlightened to shed some understanding..I’m now 56

    I dreamt I was sitting on a carpeted floor in front of a single bed ejere a holy man was lying on his back stretched out and by his foot end was two men standing, one waa a tall man and the other medium of height and the holy man that was lying on the bed had a type of circle round his head of which it seemed like halo. I was sitting on the floor with the broken pieces of stone of tablet which Moses wrote the commandments on, the ones which he tjrew and broke when saw that the people was busy worshipping the idle god..and I sat with those broken pieces and said ” Look what Moses have done?!” I remember I was the only one that spoke in the dream, after I said rhose words I woke up. Today I’m 56 and still remember that dream so clearly, only thing I can’t remember or brought out is the faces of these men.

    Thank you kindly for reading my message
    Rowena Dawn van der Poel

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #50549

    Gooday and greetings from South Africa, my name is Rowena and I’m very passionate to know about our true identity, where we came from, why we here  and what’s awaiting us.. I always had a yearning for the unknown as a cbild,teenager,youth and still as an adult..I always have this love for our Divine Creator but I still feel empty, dissatisfied, unhappy here.. I believe that I was guided till here because of the sincerity of the intent of my heart.. happy to meet all of you and thank you kindly Tony for offering your time to enlighten us about our true Reality

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