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  • Thomas,
    All of humanity is considered as one body and just as in a body the hand does not need to do any thinking and the head does not need to do any heavy lifting, so we are all in this network.  And more than that, from the point of view of your soul, you are not considered the young man named Thomas who sits and reads this now, but your soul is the same soul that was during the generation of the flood and the tower of Babylon, etc… as it is written.
    So don’t worry, if you are here, one way or another, you’ve gone through what you need to go through and now it is time to rise.

    The brain has no problem since we do not perceive spirituality with our brain. Spirituality is perceived above the head it is not contained in a physical vessel.  We will learn about all of this, don’t worry.  Good question, but don’t worry, follow the course step by step and the wisdom will open slowly slowly.

    OK Lexi,
    If you really love someone, I mean really, really love someone with all of your heart and all of your soul and all of your might, then you would hate to lose them.
    Leave all of the other methods alone, we are studying the wisdom of kabbalah here, and each method has its own language, its own definitions, etc and you can’t mix and match, this is a precise science.
    I understand the aversion to the word hate, after all we live in a modern world and all these words lost their meaning.
    Do you remember when we used to go buy produce and there was a scale that had a spring in it, you’d put the produce on the hanging scale and then as the weight pulled the tray down, it pulled on the spring and made the needle move to read the weight.
    So call the tension on the spring “hate”.  It’s the measurement of resistance, it’s the opposite side of love.
    If there is true love, there is hate on the other side.
    It does not mean that you have road rage, kind of hate, it means that true love is not that I sit around with no thoughts, it means that I built something through my efforts and understandings and more efforts and care and I don’t want to lose it.  I prefer love, I want love, I need love and I guard it.

    The purpose of Godly nature being covered is so that we can feel our existence.  Otherwise we are as a drop of water in the ocean of love, we are completely one with everything but there is no us, nothing to feel the grandeur and wonder of what we are a part of.  By being separated, we can step by step climb the ladder and build this awareness and feeling.

    You’re on your journey, and each one needs to find their own path.
    The wisdom of kabbalah makes you closer to everyone, closer to the world, to the people, the animals, the plants, everything, you expand your soul to include everything, there is no judgement because you feel how everything exists in its perfect state.  Now this that I am writing about is not something that happens overnight, it takes time and along the way there are states like you describe where you as if disconnect from the whole world, this is also natural, as we grow up more or less unconscious and then become conscious we do go through this calibration between what we want and know is out there and what we’ve experienced growing up.

    The advice is to connect to the writings of the kabbalists that we are studying.  They already traversed the paths that we are going on, they went through all the states and they filled their books with Light that work on us.
    You won’t be able to successfully advance on this path if you are immersed in other paths simultaneously, so slowly find your place that works for you and everything will come into balance.

    Happy to hear.
    Good luck on your journey, we are here by your side.

    The 613 originates from the 613 parts of our soul.
    We learn in the wisdom of kabbalah that there are 613 deposits of light.
    When we correct a part of our soul, that light that was intended to dwell there can dwell there, that is called that we performed a mitzvah and the Light of Torah filled that empty space.
    You are correct that these are the same 613 mitzvot however performing an act with the hands and legs does not correct the soul but the outer garment of the mitzvot still exists in the people of Israel as a sign.

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