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- June 21, 2021 at 7:53 am EDT in reply to: Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor. #54715
Seth – KabU Instructor
A person goes to the doctor because of something on the skin. The doctor, who is an expert, who has seen 1000s of patients knows that what he is seeing is related to the liver. So when we understand the system, the things that appear in front of eyes take on new meaning.
As for us, and all of reality: inanimate, vegetative, animate and then the speaking degree, are all created as 100% a will to receive. 100% that’s it. That is what the Creator made. That is the movie screen that the 100% bestowing light will project upon.
The structure that we are studying is not about some worlds up in the sky somewhere, this exact structure is you. You contain everything but currently our vessels are egoistic vessels and can only receive a thin light that fell into the shells and we feel them as corporeal pleasures.
We will learn how to correct the vessels to hold the upper light and feel the endless abundance.
Like kids who have a toy oven with one or two knobs on it that don’t do anything, we start like that and then we learn more and more and the light effects us and we start to feel other “knobs”, more fine tuning until we are like an artist with a palate of 1000s of colors and knobs and switches and we learn how to calibrate ourselves so that the the upper light can dwell in our vessels and then everything will be healed.
Seth@KabUJune 19, 2021 at 10:21 am EDT in reply to: Ask anything about week 2 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor. #54571Seth – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHi Ludumo,
Faith above reason means I have my reason. Not only that, to have my reason means I put a lot of time and effort to understand what is happening. I don’t disregard it. I spent 20 years gathering concrete and water and steel and I built a building and I furnished it with chairs and tables and carpet. I did everything, I invested all I had in this and then I discover that from all of this investment, on top of this building, there is somewhere else.Maybe a father goes to war and comes home and gets married and builds a building and then he has a son and everything he built, all of his effort and fighting and sleepless nights, now, he realizes that it’s all led to something else, there is someplace else, he didn’t know this before, but now, he sets everything aside and lays down on the floor with his baby and opens his heart to something else.
That is an example, I’m trying to give a feeling of what is happening.
Faith below reason means that I get an emotion, and I follow it, I didn’t invest and in something and then reach some new degree where I see that I must go above everything I am, everything I did and attain something wholly different and higher.
Seth@KabUJune 19, 2021 at 10:00 am EDT in reply to: Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor. #54570Seth – KabU Instructor
Baal HaSulam, the great kabbalist whom we received this method from is very clear that Elokim (God) and HaTeva (Nature) are one and the same and he even uses the words interchangeably in places. There was never a kabbalist who brought the wisdom so close to the people as Baal HaSulam. So probably for good reason you didn’t believe in some fairy tale but felt that there is some governing force or something.
First of all, we can agree that we don’t feel what is happening in our neighbor’s house, we don’t see it or hear it. For sure we don’t know what is going on in another town or country or in the ocean with all the fish and turtles or in the trees with all the birds. Certainly not on Mars or on any of the billions of billions of stars. We perceive a little sliver of reality, whatever passes in front of our eyes or our nose, so we take in reality and really most of reality exists outside of me, past my skin.
Now that we got that under control, by what am I judging something as good or bad?
By how it makes me feel, of course.
Who am I?
I contain all of reality, of course, but I don’t feel that yet. In the meantime I feel only what my will to receive feels.
So we are learning the wisdom of kabbalah (reception), how to receive in vessels of bestowal and then we will feel all of reality more and more and feel how all the pluses and all of the minuses together, above them in that state of unity, all is one all is good, all is pleasant, all is eternal.
Seth@KabUJune 19, 2021 at 9:52 am EDT in reply to: Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor. #54569Seth – KabU Instructor
ModeratorHi Larry and Gail,
We will say the answer here, but we also need to know that there is the desirable state, that we aspire to and there is our current state.
Sometimes we say that the Creator does everything and a person has no free choice and a student will ask, “Then I can just sit on my couch all day or do whatever I want…”etc. So we need to understand that a spiritual state comes after much preparation of the vessels in order for those lights to dwell in them where a person feels that the Creator governs all of reality and even my breath, every thought comes from Him. So it’s not a slogan, but it’s an attainment.
So we will answer the question, but it’s not a slogan, it’s a desired state that we start to feel that all of the world is governed by one force. Because for us when the person at the check out counter is going slow and I’m going to be late, I attribute some force to her, that she is slow and why can’t she just pay attention and use her brain and fill the grocery bags more efficiently. Or I get a letter in the mail from the IRS and I attribute some power to them. It’s all Him.
We can’t walk around saying a mantra, “It’s all Him” because we’d get very bad high blood pressure and maybe go to jail from not paying our taxes, so we have to live in this world with all of the phenomenon that He dresses in, but we need to start to feel that all of this world is Him relating to me, awakening all kinds of emotions and that I need to relate to Him. This is not for us yet, we have many preparation stages before implement this, but it’s good to hear it.
Seth@KabUJune 19, 2021 at 9:43 am EDT in reply to: Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor. #54568Seth – KabU Instructor
The Creator.
Seth@KabUJune 19, 2021 at 9:43 am EDT in reply to: Ask anything about week 1 lesson and materials and get an answer from a senior Kabbalah instructor. #54567Seth – KabU Instructor
ModeratorWell Paul, you have many good discernments. We don’t go for the light. We say we do, and if feels like we do, but we are, and we have the ability to work with the vessels and according to the vessels that is what light dwells in the vessels as it says you have made Me. We make the Creator.
After all, the light forms the vessel and the light will fill the vessel, so where is our participation?
Now we are learning about the operations of the light. As we study and try to connect more to the sources, the friends who are studying with me, the light works on my matter and I feel I want, I don’t want, I like, I don’t like and more and more I experience changes, up down in out and by this I’m advancing, I’m discovering who I am and what the Creator is doing with me. He is making me confused and then awakened, He is throwing me to the left and to the right. We don’t measure a kabbalist by how high he is somewhere, we measure from the distance, the “par” it’s called in Hebrew, the gap between the descents and the ascents, this is where the spiritual movement takes place that we slowly slowly attach everything to Him. He gives us a portion, on the left side and we correct it on the right side and new reshimot appear and again he gives us a portion and we admit it into kedusha (sanctity).
The greater you become, the more light that shines, the more you will reveal your true nature, what the Creator created, which is 100% a will to receive and by doing what is written and we’ll learn how to do it more and the role of the spiritual environment, we will correct our vessel and the light of bestowal dwells in there.
Seth@KabU - AuthorReplies