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  • Vanita Lakhwala

    Wanting to go/be in the ‘Control Room’ – for the Greatest Good of All!


    Vanita Lakhwala

    As a conscious participant of this Ascension Process, I would now like to find out what my contribution/role is to be in The New Times, based on what I have shed and uncovered about myself.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #334429
    Vanita Lakhwala

    Hello all,

    I have been perusing some of the Kabbalah material and feel like I have found a Guiding Light.

    After practicing and living Yogic Principles for over 20 years, and on being a Conscious participant in my Evolutionary process, I recently felt that I had reached a Stop-gap and that I needed Something Else.

    Through the Himalayan Masters, I was pointed to the Book of Zohar (which, until that point, I had no idea that it even existed). While accessing the Book Of Zohar, magically and miraculously, I was directed to this new Kabbalah Course.  So, here I am, a Seeker of truth, and a Conscious participant in the Creation of a Peaceful and Harmonious World.  And so glad to be sharing space with Fellow Seekers of The Light.

    Thank You, KabU team, for your Empowering Offering.

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