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  • Whimsy

    I want this study to lead me to the perception of TRUE reality, to the perception of the reality that the Creator exudes and intends.


    I would like to gain a stronger connection to the Creator.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #333541

    Hello fellow travelers 😊

    I am Allyn.

    I have very recently been guided to study Kabbalah after 45 years of studying many, many other spiritual transmissions.

    Up to this point, my study has been highly informal and solitary.

    I’ve essentially just been guided to multiple resources of information and spiritual practice, theory, doctrine, idea, etc. and over time I’ve collected a little of everything that resonated and discarded all that did not.

    I’ve never had a teacher/mentor, been to a retreat or Satsang, or even met anyone directly who was either at, or above, my “level” of understanding these kinds of things.

    Yet, it is quite apparent to me that I have been guided by a “higher power” all along.

    I’m a 46 y/o female from North GA, USA.

    I am a Scorpio Sun/Aquarius ASC + Aquarius Moon.

    I have burned myself down and built myself back up multiple times in this life.

    I was an alcoholic for 25 years, in jail 4 times, “absentee mother”, compulsive liar, stealer, and cheat, and I didn’t trust or know the Creator.

    But through the 12 Steps and countless other Divinely inspired resources, I no longer identify with any of those aspects of the “self”, and for about 8 years I have been undergoing a thorough Undoing of identification with all other aspects of the “self”.

    I have come to Know that there is a Loving Will that is the Truth of all Creation and my only desire is to more fully align with and embody that Will.

    I’ve “played” with Tarot for many years and for the last 5 years I’ve been studying it more thoroughly.

    However I was facing a conflict with using the cards for “exoteric” purposes when I was actually deepening a study and experience of “no self / non duality” and “esoteric” nature.

    My research into the “deeper meanings” of the tarot led me to the Tree of Life and Kabbalah and now I am more interested in studying all I can about Kabbalah as a whole than I am in tarot!

    I came across Tony’s video, Kabbalah Revealed, and I resonate so strongly with the way he teaches this.

    I live in the country/forest/mountains in a very small little community.

    I live a very simple life but my soul feels called to Know the greatest of the great and truest of the true that can be Known as a “human”.

    I feel called to extend/bestow this Knowledge through my small community as an open vessel and channel for the Will of the Creator.

    I look forward to sharing this study and practice with you all.

    Thank you Tony for sharing your Light!

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