857 students enrolled
What You'll Learn
- Learn the crucial components needed to transform all the theory you have learned so far into real-time activation
- Learn what is a Minyan, an essential tool in your spiritual work as it holds the key to internal transformation
- Study the techniques of the spiritual workshop mode
- Experience real connection in a live workshop session
- Learn the essential elements to live a life as a Kabbalist
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Course Content
- Preparation Video (01:15)
- Video 1.1 – Introduction – Preview (07:20)
- Video 1.2 – The Minyan (Ten) – Preview (11:44)
- Video 1.3 – The Circle (15:36)
- Video 1.4 – The Last Generation (13:43)
- Week 1 Recommended Reading Materials
- Video – The Rock the Creator Cannot Lift 02:02
- Quiz – Knowledge Check
- Week 1 Review & Recap
- Related Materials
- Week 1 Forums
- Preparation Video (00:57)
- Video 2.1 – The Rules of the Workshop (17:25)
- Video 2.2 – Pluses and Minuses (14:35)
- Video 2.3 – Preparation for the Workshop (16:32)
- Video 2.4 – Remember, Remember (08:35)
- Interactive Activity
- Week 2 Reading Materials
- Workshop Preparation Materials
- Extra Related Study Resources
- Week 2 Review & Recap
- Week 2 Forums
- Preparation Video (05:06)
- Week 3.1 Discovering My Soul (16:46)
- Week 3.2 – A Light to the World (09:03)
- Week 3.3 – Hubs, Nodes and Lights (15:36)
- Week 3 Reading Materials
- Interactive Activity
- Live Interactive Workshop Event
- Week 3 Review & Recap
- Extra Related Study Resources
- Week 3 Forums
- Preparation Video (01:48)
- Video 4.1 – Kabbalah Congress (09:10)
- Video 4.2 – You Get Back What You Invest! (13:38)
- Week 4.3 – Everyone Has a Story (12:39)
- Interactive Activity
- Extra Related Study Resources
- Week 4 Review & Recap
- Week 4 Forums
- Preparation Question
- Video 5.1 – Rungs of the Ladder (15:03)
- Video 5.2 – Choose Life! (14:48)
- Video 5.3 – Everyone Has a Story (16:14)
- Video 5.4 – What is My Next Step? (16:45 )
- Week 5 Q&A Blitz and Thank You (04:49)
- Week 5 Reading Materials
- Course Reflection
- Course Completion Certificate
- Input & Free E-Book
- Week 6 Live Celebration Event
This Course Includes
- Over 20 hours of video and interactive activities
- Interactive study activities
- Collaborative discussion forums with KabU instructors
- 2 live broadcasts with your awesome instructor Julian
- Extra course-related study resources
- Downloadable MP3/Video files of the entire course
- Mobile and tablet compatible
- Lifetime access to course
- Certificate of Completion
- Qualification to enter the Graduate Program
Course Prerequisites
- 100% completion of Kabbalah Revealed Part 2
- Being a Kabbalah In Action student
- A computer/mobile/tablet with internet connection
Feel The Connection
During this course, you will actually experience this powerful force of unity alongside other students. By discovering this power in connection with others, the joy that you experience can manifest as a positive impact on all aspects of your life. This will begin to influence your perception of reality and each and every day you will perceive your life in a new light and attitude.
By studying in depth and learning how to use these tools correctly in the ultimate format you can ignite proper connections amongst people. You gradually become an agent of internal change and will have a positive influence for the betterment of all.
Learn what it takes to live life as a Kabbalist now in your lifetime!
In this course, you will dive into deeper and advanced levels of studies and learn what it takes to connect you to the source that operates all of reality. Here you will learn crucial components needed to bring yourself and others to the power of connection and begin to prepare yourself to contribute to this noble purpose, for the benefit of your life as an individual and for the sake of all humanity.
Not only will you study in depth these next set of advanced tools which are essential for building your spiritual path, but you will also begin to implement them here in this course.
Who Is This Course For
This course is aimed for those who feel a strong desire to take their spiritual studies to the next level and make them real.
Julian Edwards
Julian is a seriously dedicated student and has been studying Kabbalah under the guidance of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman for the past 16 years. He has been teaching and lecturing the wisdom of authentic Kabbalah for over nine years, and there is nothing else that he would rather be doing than to spread this light and pass it on to as many others as possible. Julian is happily married with two children and works as a business consultant.

Student Feedback

The Kabbalah Experience course helped me discover who I really am. My whole life I’d been yearning to truly love my neighbor as myself and this course showed me practical steps on exactly how to do that. The course teaches there is a single force of love acting on all of us and now I feel that love every day. The process gently transforms one to a state of perfect unity with all of humanity. If you want to be part of making world peace a reality, join today. Thank you KabU instructors and Bnei Baruch for an amazing experience in spiritual development.
Teddie Lensing

My senses had been overwhelmed with the noise pollution of this world UNTIL I learned of the wisdom shared in The Kabbalah Experience. Imagine for a moment, the clarity, the tranquility, and the quiet that came over me when I felt the connection of a new reality. In my heart I heard the gentlest words, “come and see” and my life changed forever. How could I go back to the world when I now felt the truth that everything is ONE? Hold my hands, Brothers and Sisters, and let’s take this journey together as ONE. You will never regret you did!
Lucian Lucia
N.Carolina, USA

I have a burning desire to see beyond the mundane! For years I was struggling to give my life meaning, to understand why do we exist?
Kabbalah opened up a new world to me. I found my friends, people who are on the spiritual quest just like me, right here, at this KabU Course – The Kabbalah Experience!
You are very special and so lucky to start this wonderful journey with us, my dear friend!
Natalie Kulgavin
Pennsylvania, USA

The Kabbalah Experience course has helped me understand the real mission that the people of Israel and everyone with a true desire to reveal the Creator, have to fulfill towards humanity and the world as a whole… It describes the details of the method to be followed, to become capable of receiving the higher degrees of Light and joy that are just awaiting for humanity to rise to their level…
It is a great gift to be connected with a collective with the substantial mission of reaching this level, and making it available to everybody.
Efrain Elgasi
Montreal, Canada

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