What does it mean to be an imaginal cell in human society? Do you see yourself as one?

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  • #28674


    What does it mean to be an imaginal cell in human society? Do you see yourself as one?

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 14 total)
  • Author
    • #367398
      Lu Lu

      Be the one who creates the dish to become loving.

    • #362505

      I see all the people with points in the heart as imaginal cells.

    • #359776

      To me it means to appear in the book of life as a creature that authors its own story and develops a direct relationship with the Creator and does best to collab with others

    • #315578
      Rune T. A.

      To me it means an ability to change, to become something more, to adapt in a crisis or even to invent new ways. I do not consider myself to be that. I’m trying though. Perhaps I can call myself an imaginal cell in the making. I want to be better at making use of ALL the food I buy, but I also want my food to be fresh and pure and natural. I want to be better at controling my desirre to buy stuff when I am feeling down. I want to want to connect in a Ten. I want to read more and watch less Tv. I want to be aware of my intentions ALL the time. I feel that potentials are within me and feel ashamed that I have not yet manifested them in the world. I want to focus less on the crap and craziness that come from our leaders, the media and the actions of others, and instead focus on The One Goal, but I also want to know what’s going on and what drives all the nonsense I perceive. I am part of the problem, but I see the potential within me to be part of the solution. Hence my feeling of shame.

    • #305385
      Purity K

      It means to see opportunity in chaos and to act upon that opportunity to change the things for the better.

      I don’t really know whether I  see myself as an imaginal cell.

    • #292534
      Adelina Santos

      To be an imaginal cell is to think and act in a totally different way than the rest of “cells”, getting out of the box of traditional thinking. Well, by studying kabbalah, I think that this wisdom is teaching us to be inaginal cells.

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