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    • #382461

      Homework Assignment

      There is none that does not obey the iron law of evolution resulting in the collision of these two forces with one another 1)A positive force, meaning constructive and 2) a negative force, meaning negative and destructive. They create and complement the entire reality in general and particular through their harsh and general war with one another until they reach their ultimate perfection.

      Let’s take planet earth as an example. First it was a ball of fog-like gas. Through the gravity inside it, overtime, it concentrated the atoms inside it into a closer circle. As a result, the liquid gas became a ball of fire. Over eons of terrible wars between the two forces within earth, the chilling force in it was finally triumphant over the force of liquid fire. It cooled a thin crust around the earth and hardened there. However, the planet had not yet grown still from the war between the forces, and after some time the liquid fire erupted in great tumble from the bowels of the earth rising and shattering the cold hard crust to pieces. Thus the eons interchanged and each time the cooling force prevailed, the crust grew thicker. Finally, the positive forces overpowered the negative ones and cane into complete harmony. The liquid came to rest in the bowels of the earth and the cold crust came thick enough around them to enable the creation of organic life on top of it as it is today.

      This article speaks to me personally as I have been battling in corporeal life for a direction and have to admit that my ego has been constantly battling back and forth with Kabbalah and if this is a true path. When you hear certain lessons, see various things, your ego can tell you that this is a false science and find it difficult to have ‘Faith above reason’. However, I was listening to Asaf read this Baal HaSulam text on a YouTube podcast and it spoke to me both in terms of a personal, internal battle with truth and in a greater sense on a world level. Connection is no doubt what is needed for all. The feeling and experience of the upper force is the desire through this connection.

    • #382203

      Homework assignment #4

      Who Causes the Prayer
      Article No. 18, 1986

      Our sages wrote (Mesechet Berachot 32), “One should always praise the Creator and then pray.” This shows us that one should believe that when a person comes to a state where he feels his fault in the work of the Creator—when he feels that his faith is not as it should be, that is, able to believe that the Creator is benevolent, and this feeling, when he sees that he cannot thank the Creator and say wholeheartedly, “Blessed is He who said, ‘Let there be the world,’” meaning that he so enjoys the world that he thanks the Creator for having created the world so he has what to enjoy—if he doesn’t feel the delight and pleasure that can be received, it is hard for him to be thankful for it. And this pains him that he cannot praise the Creator for the world He has created and say wholeheartedly, “Blessed is He who said, ‘Let there be the world.’”

      The first time I read this article from Rabash my jaw fell. It made so much sense and went so against all the teachings I had received so far, yet, like a jigsaw fitting in the puzzle of life, it filled a much bigger picture. It is so hard for me to do this, hard because since I have started studying Kabbalah God’s Grace has worked at making me really want/need to understand this concept in depth, attain it I might say, so I work at being thankful for all the hard, daily opportunities He sends me to work on my intention, and then somehow even manage to feel filled with pride when I realize I have remembered to give Grace BEFORE any other feeling (although this, once more, I realize is not me but Him moving me towards that direction, the I that’s my ego then just makes me feel the pride I believe I shall feel for the achievement).

      But as it is written, make it into a habit until it becomes you and this is the work I am focusing right now as my opportunities are great and plenty. Thank you for this assignment.

    • #381841

      Homework Assignment #5

      We can attract the reforming light by taking the attitude and intention of being there for our friends, loving them as we love ourselves, praying for their continuous spiritual progress and attainment, forgetting about ourselves. Doing everything we can to connect and to them, become one, so we can join the points of our heart to bring joy to the creator.

      The above is easier said than done. I pray for my friends and remember them fondly whenever I think of the friends during the week. Regardless of whether we are together in an event or lesson or apart we are still connected.

      Not too sure I will get the recordings in before this week’s lesson…

    • #381803

      Homework assignment 4

      The Writings of Rabash, Vol 1, “What to Demand from the Assembly of Friends”

      Concerning love of friends, which is founded on the basis of love for others, by which we can attain love of the Creator: it is contrary to what is generally accepted in love of friends. Meaning that concerning love of others: it does not mean that the friends will love me, but rather that I should love the friends. 

      This excerpt is so simple and direct to the heart of the teachings. By loving the friends I attain love of the Creator. No more, no less. The Creator is blessed as are we. How beautiful and complete.

      Thank you Friends for your beautiful presence.

    • #381754

      Hello dear friends, just want to let you know I will be missing our Young Group this coming Sunday. We have a family wedding so I won’t be able to attend live, but hope it is fulfilling for each of you in every way❣️ I’ll watch it later and see you next Sun 28th.

      • #381804

        Hello dear Jo, enjoy the wedding! You are always with us, see you next week!

        • #381836

          Hello dear friend Jo, have a fun at the wedding! Our hearts are filled with love for you!

    • #381702

      Not related to this week’s homework; but a poem by CS Lewis that had been put to music keeps running through my head and I thought I would share it.

      As the Ruin Falls – CS Lewis

      All this is flashy rhetoric about loving you.
      I never had a selfless thought since I was born.
      I am mercenary and self-seeking through and through:
      I want God, you, all friends, merely to serve my turn.

      Peace, re-assurance, pleasure, are the goals I seek,
      I cannot crawl one inch outside my proper skin:
      I talk of love —a scholar’s parrot may talk Greek—
      But, self-imprisoned, always end where I begin.

      Only that now you have taught me (but how late) my lack.
      I see the chasm. And everything you are was making
      My heart into a bridge by which I might get back
      From exile, and grow man. And now the bridge is breaking.

      For this I bless you as the ruin falls. The pains
      You give me are more precious than all other gains.

      • #381752

        Thank you for sharing that Greg!

        Love the line, “And everything you are was making my heart into a bridge by which I might get back from exile, and grow man.”

        • #381753

          The last lines were particularly meaningful to me this week… it was a little rough personally, but I take comfort that it is all about the good that does good. Weird how a song I haven’t heard since the ’70s comes back with a message when you need it most.

          For this I bless you as the ruin falls. The pains
          You give me are more precious than all other gains.

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