Preparation Question: What is freedom and how, by the help of the Reforming Light, can we acquire it?

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  • #37688

    Preparation Question: What is freedom and how, by the help of the Reforming Light, can we acquire it?

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    • #385439

      Freedom comes when we realize we are not victims of our circumstances or surroundings.  When we surrender ourselves to the Reforming Light, we can rest assured that everything that comes our way has been permitted by our Creator and meant only for our good.  Freedom comes when we experience and truly understand that there is only One–only the One Creator–and nothing else.

    • #384871
      David Bruce

      I’m going to say what we are about to learn is, we only have free will to choose to receive for the sake of sharing….that’s it.   It’s up to us to become a bestower of that which we receive, and not to recieve for the self alone.

    • #384769

      I remember the very moment I sensed true freedom. I was going through a brutal business audit. For 6 months before the dreaded phone call, I had been listening to Rabbi Nachman of Breslev’s teachings on Azamra (I will sing) and Ain Od Milvado (there is no one else but Him). Suddenly, I realized that this knowledge of wisdom I had been adding to my toolbox had been for that very moment in my life. That feeling of His Sovereignty over every aspect of my life, the acknowledgment that everything came from Him was the most freeing. The ups and the downs, the light and the darkness, the health and the sickness, the comfort and the pain: all came from Him. It was not happening TO me. It was happening FOR me.

      This may not be the textbook definition, but for me, it represents the beginning of an incredible journey.

    • #384701

      We only have freedom in our choice of environment, and we should use that freedom wisely. We should look for an environment where there are people who seek spirituality and connection to the Creator, and with whom we can grow our points in the heart by striving towards altruism together, learning from each other’s experiences. The Reforming Light helps us correct the egoistic tendencies that come up when working with the group.

    • #383755

      Freedom lies in correctly perceiving the force called The Creator and in doing so, bonding with his attributes.

    • #383712
      Edward Onyango

      Freedom is ability to think or act independent of my Ego. The reforming light reveals to me the totality or full picture of reality, and creates an environment where I can see what separates me from the Creator.

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